The Benefits of Learning Taekwon-Do 学习跆拳道的好处 0. The Ability To Defend Yourself 0. Increasing Your Self Esteem 0. Goal Setting & Discipline 0. Bettering Your Focus 0. Increase Your Flexibility 0. Making You Feel Happier & Better 0. Strengthening Your Muscles 0. Relieving Stress 0. Learning Respect For Authority 0. 捍卫自己的能力 0. 提高自尊心 0. 目标设定与纪律 0. 更好地关注 0. 增加灵活性 0. 让您感到更快乐,更好 0. 加强肌肉 0. 缓解压力 0. 学习尊重权威
ITF Taekwon-Do Classes 跆拳道班: BUKIT BATOK (武吉巴督)*Blk 622B Bukit Batok Central, Singapore 652622 (Behind Westmall)Every Wednesday8.00pm - 9.30pm (Junior Class)CHUA CHO KANG (蔡厝港)*Blk 344 Choa Chu Kang Loop, Singapore 680344 (Opposite Lot1 Mall)Every Saturday 10.00am - 11.30am (Junior Class)
CONTACT US 联系我们 Facebook: Chang’s TaeKwon-Do Singapore http://bit.ly/changtkdfbInstagram: http://bit.ly/Changtkdsg