准备申请四房,因为现在的二手组屋MPO 要明年2月份才到一直不敢申请BTO,结果写信去HDB昨天回我信了,说只要新房交房的日期在MOP之后就可以,意思是现在就已经可以申请了,但是看了下最近将要推出的BTO好像都没有位置很好的啊,要不就是超出预算,因为我家情况特殊,老婆在国内的收入不能算新加坡收入,只能用我一个人收入申请贷款(就平均水平不是什么高收入),能在预算内的组屋都不靠地铁好像,政府grant能拿多少心里没数,如果加上的话应该还是能买比较多地区的了。也不像大神那么会分析位置啊学区什么的,就上来问问有没有什么好的建议我这样情况是买BTO好还是直接买open for booking (这个好像是才刚开通的,替代以前的SOB)
As your existing flat is a resale flat bought from the open market without any CPF Housing Grant, you may submit an application to buy a Build-To-Order (BTO) flat now if the Delivery Possession Date (DPD) for the BTO flat falls on or after the MOP date for your resale flat. For example, if the MOP for your resale flat (without the CPF Housing Grant) end in Feb 2021, you can apply for a BTO flat with a DPD on or after the Feb 2021.