本帖最后由 FindSun 于 16-7-2020 13:33 编辑
“Begin with culture. Express with design.” We hope that we can use our design concept to meet the different needs of our customers. “始于文化,忠于设计”,希望可以用我们的设计理念,满足客户对于设计的不同需求。
Customized brand(VI) designs (logos, posters, advertisements, packaging, business cards,
packaging...) personal portfolios.
定制品牌设计(logo,海报,广告,包装,名片,包装...) 个人作品集。
ui/ux 设计
Computing Skills:
Proficient: C++, C#
Moderate: Java, Python, HTML/CSS
Basic: Swift, JavaScript, Haskell, OCaml
Testing tools: JMeter, Selenium
Experience with AWS services including Lambda, S3, EC2, DynamoDB, CloudWatch
Other Skills:
Native Mandarin speaker
Fluent in English
Mob Programming
UI/UX designer tool: Sketch
Graphics/video editors: iMovie, Photoshop, Final Cut Pro
婚礼,活动策划, (蛋糕,鲜花,手办...) Weddings, event planning, (cakes, flowers, hand-made...)
摄影,录像以及照片/视频后期制作 (写真集,证件照,模特照)
Photography, video, and photo/video post-production((Photobook, ID photo, model photo)