本帖最后由 Gigi530 于 29-12-2020 17:47 编辑
Cozy and windy common room, bright and tidy, no history of renting out. Good view of landed houses. Marble floor, IKEA storage Single Bed with mattress, bed sheets,pillow provided, bookshelf and desk all equipped Walking distance to Bukit Panjang DT1(500M), 3 shopping malls are located nearby ( junction 10, Hillion, Bukit Panjang Plaza). One stone away of LRT station. Direct bu ses to Jurong east, Boon Lay, woodland checkpoint , orchard. Move in at anyti
1、交通便利:步行10分钟内可到达市区线武吉班让站 (500m),LRT凤凰站就在楼下,楼下公交线直达裕廊东,乌节路,乌兰海关,Jurong point等。 周围1公里内三个购物中心。 2、视野开阔:面向私宅区无遮挡。 3、房间:一手出租,无出租史,干净整洁,大理石地板,宜家储藏式单人床,带床垫,床单。配书桌书架,衣柜,吊扇。 4、价格:650新币每月,随时入住。