2009年来新加坡读的POLY, 然后结婚生女获得本地SIM私立文凭,夫妻双方都差不多。2019年生的女儿,已经被拒好多次了,这次又被拒,被拒的信内容感觉和以往不太一样,以前貌似是说你可以再次申请,但请别误会,这不是邀请你的意思,这次的信内容是这样。
We thank you for your interest in applying for Singapore Citizenship.
2 We have considered your application carefully and regret to inform you that your
application to register the above-named child as a Singapore citizen is not successful.
3 You may submit an application again if there is a change in your circumstances (from
the information provided in this application).