红茶:祁门红茶是世界四大著名红茶之一,简称祁红。祁红外形条索紧细匀整,锋苗秀丽,色泽乌润(俗称 “宝光”);内质清芳并带有蜜糖香味,馥郁持久;汤色红艳明亮,滋味甘鲜醇厚,叶底(泡过的茶渣)红亮。 通过了ISO9001、ECO(法国有机认证) 、EU(欧盟有机认证)、USDA(美国有机认证) 等多项国际认证。
Qimen black tea is one of the four famous black tea in the world. Qi Hong shape is tight and even, the front and the seedling are beautiful, and the color is moist (commonly known as "Baoguang"). The tea also contains orchid aroma (known as "Qimen aroma"), which has a lasting fragrance. The soup color is red and bright, the taste is sweet and mellow, and the leaf bottom (soaked tea residue) is red and bright. The company has obtained ISO9001, ECO (The French Organic certifification), EU(European Union Organic certifification),USDA(United States Organic Certifification)and other international certififications.