古方抓龙根的功效:前列腺肿大,排尿困难,包括无力和排尿间断,尿频(尤其是夜间),劳损,滴尿,或不能排空膀胱。 急慢性前列腺炎:尿频、排尿困难, 排尿时烧灼感,寒战发烧,腰部和阴囊后部的疼痛,尿中带血。 盆腔和生殖器疼痛,射精痉痛、白性精液、性功能障碍。
增大阴茎,延长射精时间 。
Juagen can help with sexual health problems like premature ejaculation, impotence; and urinary health issues such as difficult/frequent/painful urination etc. due to prostate enlargement and inflammation. My professional Juagen Therapy will help you to prolong ejaculation and promote overall prostate & sexual health. My professional massage will also help you in relieving your muscle tension and body aches.
address:taiseng SG534862 |