Effective House Cleaning services 是一家本地注册的家政清洁公司,我们根据个人情况提供最好的家庭和办公室清洁服务
如果您需要了解更多的详情 请浏览我们的网站:www.ehclean.com.sg
或者SMS or Call:
Effective house cleaning service is a local registered company, we provides professional house and office cleaning service according to individual client preferences.
Why choose us?
We provide suitable and low rates but good service to customers.
We can help you to overcome different house and office cleaning problems effectively and efficiently, our services include clean windows, floor, toilet, storeroom, iron clothes, and other household chores.
We put customers’ convenience and our effective services as our considerations.
We provide professional staff at reasonable price.
For more information,please visit our website: www.ehclean.com.sg or
add us in facebook http://en-gb.facebook.com/people/Effective-House-Cleaning/100003245423393 or
send us email:[email protected] or
SMS and call us:(if no answering in calls, please send me a message, I will reply as soon as possible)