新加坡知名银行Call Center ( 电话客服中心)
Customer Service Officer客户服务专员---15人 (申请EP)
1. 可以验证的本科学士学位或以上学历;
2. 流利的英文沟通能力;
3. 至少2年相关工作经验、中国移动或电信等客户服务及电话服务经验、大型公司(如DELL电脑、银联等)电话客服中心工作经验;
4. 如果有在银行电话服务中心或金融机构的电话客服经验, 或信用卡方面经验的更优先!
职 责
You will handle incoming prospect or customer inquiries, using call centre technologies to provide
accurate responses in accordance to the Bank policy and procedures.
? You will need to resolve customer complaints and problems to meet customer satisfaction.
? You will make use of customer service and sales skills to optimize the opportunity of each customer
? In addition, you will educate the customer about the Bank’s products and services and direct them
towards available resources for self-help.
? As part of the work process, you will complete accurately the necessary documentation to manage
customer complaints, issues and subsequent solutions.
? You will also act on any required customer follow-up in accordance with Call Centre guidelines.
? To improve Call Centre service delivery, you will participate in process improvement initiatives for
increased effectiveness.
底 薪 S$2800-3200 / 月
津 贴
1) 轮班津贴:新币290/月 ( 如果有做轮班的话才会有)
2) Functional Allowance:200新币/月( 第四个月才有,但如果不能很好完成本职工作,则没有此津贴)
3) 食物津贴: 22新元 ( 如果加班超过2小时后);
4) 其他津贴: 60-90新元( 如果被要求在休息日上班4小时以上的; 具体解释以公司合同为准);
Shift 1: 8.00 am - 4.00 pm;
Shift 2: 3.00 pm – 11.00 pm ;
Shift3: 11.00 pm – 8.00 am
Training working Hour: 9.00 am – 6:30pm (抵新后需要接受1-3个月的培训)
工作时间 44小时/周,超出按新加坡法定计算加班费,周六1.5倍,周日及公共假期2倍
收费 22000人民币 机票自理
面试形式 网络( 请先提供详细中英文简历, 初步面试时间从8月24日陆续开始)
更多新加坡招聘请见www.517gongzuo.com 我要去工作,新加坡就业网