租约协议Rental Agreement
This Agreement made on the09日day of 6 月month in the 2012 year.
屋主Owner IC/ Passport/FIN No HP NO.
租户Tenant _ IC/ Passport /FIN No HP NO.
公司名字company name
公司地址 company address
公司电话company contact NO.
Emergency contact name and phone number
双方一致同意如下Whereby it is agreed as follows屋主愿意出租,租户也同意租下这间屋子里的普通房The landlord agrees to rent out the Common room地址Address:
每月租金The rental for the room is agreed as S$元
新加坡币。租期始于Commencement date : _ 租期终于End date : 租金 先付后用,以后支付应 在付款期末前 5 天支付.
租约的最后一个月,租户还是应该先付房租不可以直接让屋主扣定金。The tenant is required to pay the renatl fee on the last month of renatl period, no allow to off-set by paid deposit.
The tenant has to pay _1__ month deposit to owner amount to S$____, if there is any breach of the terms, the damages shall be deducted from the deposit.
房客若要搬迁,必须得到屋主同意,并给屋主__1_个月的通知,至少住满 _3__ 个月,否则定金没收。Tenant to relocation, must be the owner agree to homeowners _1__ months notice, at least resided 3 months, otherwise the deposit confiscated.
租金包括房屋的水电煤气费(每月按整套房间租客的人数计算水电煤气费用,每人每月均摊50新加坡币,如果水电煤气费用总数每人每月均摊超出50新加坡币,超出部分由租客承担。)The monthly tenant fee are inclusive room rent and utilities fee which are water, electricity and gas usage. ( The utilities fee are sharing by number(s) of all tenants in the flat which is 50 Singapore Dollar each in monthly tenant fee. if it has exceed more than 50 Singapore dollar per tenants, each tenants shall bear all excess of the utilities fee.
客厅装修及设备情况:宜家餐桌一个,座椅3把,SONY电视 KDL-40NX720 一台 ,电视组合桌1个,海马真皮沙发 一套 , VHIVE三门一抽鞋柜一个 .The lists of living room's furniture and fixture are the following : Ikea's dinning table x 1, Ikea's dinning chairs x 3, SONY TV :KDL-40NX720 IKEA's TV's table x 1, Seahourse's leather sofa L style x 1, VHIVE Shoes cabinet x 1.
厨房装修设备情况:厨柜上下柜一套 , TECNO抽油烟机 一架 ,TECNO煤气灶一台 ,德国ROWENTA烤箱一台 ,桌子一个 ,蓝色PVC凳2把, JAKAHI电饭煲一个 ,SANSUI电水壶一个 .The lists of kitchen's furniture and fixture are the following : Kicthen system x 1, TECHON's range hood , TECNO's Gas range x 1, ROWENTA's oven x 1, Ikea's, Blue color PVC light x 2, JAKATHI rice-cooker x 1, SANSUI water-maker. x 1
厨房阳台三星洗衣机 一台 ,韩国原装三星冰箱一台 ,安利净水器一台 ,MARCO热水器一台 ,6根装不锈钢凉衣服组合一套 , The list of KItchen balcony's furniture and fixture are the following : Samsung's washing machine x 1, Samsung's refrigerator made in Korea x 1, AMWAY Espring water purifiler x 1, MARCO's hot water heather x 1, Steal's cloth dry bar x 6 bars.
普通房间设备情况:单人床 一个 ,单人床垫一张 ,桌子一个 ,宜家高独立门衣柜一个 ,york空调一台,york空调遥控器一 个 ,宜家3层书架一个 。The list of common room's furniture and fixture are the following : Seahourse's single bed x 1, Seahourse's single Mattress x 1, Ikea's Desk x 1, Ikea's high independent cabinet x 1, YORK’S airconditioner x 1 with remote controller x 1. , Ikea's Three-tier bookcase x 1.
租户如果弄脏床垫的表面和里面,需要赔偿同样牌子的床垫。If bed mattress has been spoilled and dirty during the rent period, the tenant is required to compensate same mattress with new condition for the landload.
屋内的家私,电器和物品,必须好好保护,如有损坏需要赔偿物品的费用和赔偿物品的运送费和安装费.The tenant must take care of all furniture,Electrical appliances and fixture in all of premise with good condition. If any damages or loss of furniture and fixture in all of premise caused by the tenant , the compesation will be required inclusive all of cost such as delivery fee and installation fee in fully manner for th e landload.
租户若要更换和移动房间物品必须得到屋主的同意,不能在墙上钉钉子,贴任何东西和涂鸦,不能随便带人进来屋内住,更不能在屋内做非法的活动,如果违反屋主可以让租户在合约未到搬走,房租和定金不退。 No alteration and replacemenet of furniture and fixture without approval by the landlord. No visitors without approval by the landlord. Not allow of any of illegal activities in any of premius . If any of breach of the terms by tenant, the tenant shall be required to move-out from premise before the end of rental period without returning deposit.
租户每次使用厨房后请清理抽油烟机,墙面,台面和地面卫生,保持清洁,租户使用的卫生间每个星期请清理马桶和洗脸盆,墙面,地面,每天倒垃圾.Tenants, please clean up after each use the kitchen range hoods, walls, countertops, and ground-health kept clean, the tenants to use the bathroom every week to clean the toilet and wash basin, walls, floors, and daily garbage.
租户请自己清理房间灰尘和拖地.客厅等公用地段卫生由房东租客轮流处理,房东不在时是由租户清理灰尘和拖地,或者请清洁公司处理,费用由租户承担.The tenants own clean-up in turn deal with the health of the public lots of room dust and mopping the floor. Living room by the landlord tenant, the absence of the landlord by the tenant clean up dust and mopping the floor, or clean handling costs borne by the tenants.
租户如果对卫生间乱扔垃圾,使用后不做清洁导致墙面,地面脏乱,坐便器,洗脸盆堵噻损坏,淋浴器损坏,由租户承担所有清洁和维修疏通的费用.Not to throw dirt, rubbish, rangs or other refuse or permit the same to be thrown into sinks baths lavatories cistems or water or soil pipes in the pemises and the fixture and fittings in tenatable repair and condition.The tenant is required to pay all of fee for recovering condtion of sinks baths lavatories cistems or water or soil pipes if any problem caused by tenant.
租户不可以往窗外抛物品和垃圾,如果接到罚单,租户自行负责。The tenant should not throw any of stuff from window to ourside from any of premise. The landload shall not be liablee for any of result such as penalty charged by authority or damage of accident.
租户不可以带宠物进屋,不可以屋内抽烟,如有违规每次罚款20元新币.Any of pet are not allow to bring or keep in any of premise. Any of smoking are not allow in any of premise. If any by tenant, the landloard have right to charge the penalty by SGD20 per times. If tenant refusea any penalty, the landload might terminate the rental agreement without any notice.
未得到屋主同意!!!租户不可以带外人来家中逗留或者留宿,租户违反条例(屋主第一次可以罚款租户50-100新加坡元,第二次屋主可以让租户搬离并且终止短合约,并不退还租户租金和房屋定金。)The tenant(s) should not take any of guest(s) into any of flat premies where rented room without the permission by the landlord.If any of tenant(s) have violated this term, the landlord might charge the penalty which will be 50 to 100 Singapore dollars for first time of violation. If any of tenant(s) have violated more than one time, the landlord might terminate the contract before end of rental period without any notice and no refunding of rental fee and security deposit.
家中所有电器和物品损坏,如果知道是某位租户损坏就由这位租客独立赔偿,如果未知是某位租户损坏就由全部租户共同承担赔偿。When any of share using fixture, furniture and electronics in the premies have been damaged or broken, the user who have made damage or broken must compensate all lost of damage with either repairing or replacing to the equal value of them. If the landlord could not identify who have made damage or broken, all tenants might be required to compensate all lost of damage with either repairing or replacing to the equal value of them.
租户不可以在屋内煮食/ can not cooking.
租户可以小煮---煮面条/ only can boiled noodles (can not use cooking oil).
租户可以使用油炒菜/ can cooking use oil.
租约到期后租户和屋主如果不再续约,租户搬离时必须打扫房间家私清洗窗帘和卫生间的卫生,如果没有做打扫清洗,屋主可以在定金中扣除打扫清洗费50元新币。 The tenant must clean-up rented room, carten and used bathroom as good condition when or before tenant leave premise. If there are no clean-up, the landlord shall charge the fee of clean-up SGD50 by deducting from deposit.
租户完全履行以上合约事项,屋主退还定金给租户.T enants fully comply with the above contract matters, and the owner to refund the deposit to the tenants.
租户未履行房屋合约事项,屋主不退还房屋租金和定金给租户The tenant does not fulfill the housing contract matters, the owner will not be returned to the housing rent and deposit to the tenants.
以上合约内容当英文条款和中文条款有异议时,以中文条款为最终解释。If any variance or different cause(s) between Chinese description and English on the tenancy agreement, Chinese's term and condition must be applicable to define all cause on the tenancy agreement.