1、经络及骨伤推拿:与针炙原理相同,仅作用方式不同。Meridianmassage and bone: and acupuncture on the same principle, only the effect ofdifferent ways. 作业人:刘医师(男Liu,南京中医大结业,中国国家级中医推拿师) , 章(Zhang)医师(女,从业三年), Job: Liu, (M Liu, Nanjing TCM big wind, the ChineseNational Massage division) (zhang) Dr(female)r
2、内科推拿:头痛、感冒、咳嗽、 哮喘、眩晕、胃痛、腹泻、 便秘、 失眠、胁痛、牙痛、忧郁症 月经痛,更年期综合症Headaches, colds, cough, asthma,dizziness, stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation, insomnia, hypochondriac pain,pain, depression, Menstrual pain,menopausal disorders
3、虹膜健康检查:“5分钟就可从你的眼睛检测出你的身体状况 Lridology Health Check “Just 5Minues”through eye, you can know your body condition
4、中医美容 TCM Facial beauty
5、拨火罐 Cupping
6、美容美体 The shape and body of beauty