相对于西方新年时盛行喝酒,农历新年是个用传统美食款待亲朋好友的好时机。 1. Tangerines and Oranges 橘子 Displaying and eating these fruitsis said to bring wealth and luck. According to the Chinese Culture Center ofSan Francisco, the tradition stems from the way the Chinese words for gold andorange sound alike, while the word for tangerine echoes luck. It’s good if theyhave leaves because leaves symbolize longevity, but don’t group them in fours,because this number is associated with death. 人们相信摆设和吃下这些水果会带来财富和好运。根据三藩市的中华文化中心所说,这项传统起源自中文字的发音:金子与橘子相似,且发音听起来又像‘吉利’的‘吉’。如果果实相连叶子的话会更好,因为叶子象征寿命。但注意别把它们放成4个一组,因为这个数字的发音与‘死’相似。 2. Long Noodles 长面条 If noodles are served, then “keepthem as long as possible for long life“ 如果吃面的话,越长的面条越好因为它意味着延年益寿。 3. The Tray of Togetherness 八宝盘 Put out for visiting relatives tosnack on, or given as a gift, the eight (a traditionally symbolic lucky number)compartments of the tray are filled with things such as preserved kumquats forprosperity, coconut for togetherness, longans to bring many sons, and red melonseeds for happiness. 八宝盘常用来招待来访的亲朋好友,或当成礼物送人,盘里的8(传统象征幸运的数字)个部分都填满了象征吉祥的蜜饯、象征合家团圆的椰糖、象征招儿招女的龙眼和象征合家欢乐的瓜子。 4. Nian Gao 年糕 Nian gao means year cake, but gaosounds the same as the word for tall or high. Hence the cakes symbolizeachieving new heights in the coming year. The steamed sweets are made ofglutinous rice flour, brown sugar, and oil. Some versions have white sesameseeds, red dates, or nuts in them. 年糕是新年糕点的意思,可是‘糕’字和高度的‘高’发音是一样的。所以年糕也象征来年步步高升。这种用蒸法制成的甜点原料包括由糯米粉、砂糖和油。有些年糕还加入了芝麻、红枣和花生 。 5. Pomelo 柚子 This large citrus fruit is popular becauseit is thought to bring “continuous prosperity and status.” The tradition comesfrom the way the Cantonese phrase for pomelo sounds similar to the words forprosperity and status。 这个大型柑橘水果十分受欢迎因为人们觉得它会带来‘连续的兴荣与官运’。这个说法来自粤语的柚子单词,发音听起来像是’兴荣‘与’官运‘。 6. Jai 斋 This vegetarian dish is eatenbecause it’s “part of the Buddhist culture to cleanse yourself withvegetables,” It’s also packed with good-luck foods, breaking it down byingredient: sea moss for prosperity; lotus seeds for children/birth of sons;noodles for longevity; lily buds to “send 100 years of harmonious union”;Chinese black mushrooms to “fulfill wishes from east to west”. 这道素菜是桌上佳肴之一的原因是”佛教文化里有着用蔬菜净化自己的典故“。斋菜里也包含了象征好运的食材,如海苔象征‘兴荣’、海带象征‘带来孩子’、面象征’长寿‘、莲子代表’百年好合‘、香菇代表’东成西就‘。 7. Lettuce生菜 The Cantonese word for lettuce sounds like"growing fortune." One traditional way to eat lettuce is to dip itinto boiling water (with a little bit of oil) and then put oyster sauce on it. 生菜的粤语发音听起来像是“生财”。其中一种传统吃法是把生菜汆烫(加入些许油)然后再淋上耗油。 8. Whole Fish 全鱼 The Chinese word for fish soundslike the word for abundance. It’s important that the fish is served with thehead and tail intact to ensure a good start and finish and to avoid bad luckthroughout the year.” 鱼的中文发音听起来像是’余‘,意味着丰盛有余。所以年菜的鱼必须确保头尾完整与鱼身相接,代表着一年里有好的开始,接下来避开厄运一直到年末为止。 9. Sweets 甜点 Serving desserts brings a sweetlife in the new year. 用甜点招待来宾希望为新的一年带来甜美的生活。
10. Yuanbao (Jiaozi) 元宝(饺子) In North China, everyone eats thejiaozi dumplings. Families will make a dough and wrap it around pork andcabbage, and boil [the dumplings], then serve them with vinegar and soy sauce. Peoplewrap them in the shape of an old silver ingot during New Year celebrations,jiaozi are called yuanbao, a reference to the ancient, ingot-shaped Chinesecurrency, and that eating them is said to bring prosperity. While making them,families sometimes tuck added good-luck foods like peanuts (to bring long life)into some of them. 在中国北方,每个人都吃饺子。各家各户会擀面团,将猪肉和白菜包为馅·,煮(饺子)后与陈醋和酱清一起呈上。新春时,人们会将饺子包成银锭子的形状,所以称为元宝(中国古时候的交易货币),并相信吃了后会带来财富好运。在包饺子的时候,有些人会在里头加入一些象征好运的食材如花生(带来长寿)。