Room for Rent
Ang Mo Kio Town Center, BLK 729, 5mins walking to MRT/ BUS Interchange. It is nearby HUB, library and shopping center, with internet, renovated, high floor, and convenience. Welcome to specialized men. No agent.
(The money of water, electricity & internet included).
Please contact: or (owner)
位于宏茂桥市镇中心,BLK 729, 5分钟步行到地铁站/公共汽车中转站,邻近HUB, 图书馆及购物中心,全家私,带网线,高层,装修好,方便,。谢绝中介,欢迎专业男士垂询。(包水电及上网费).
有意者请电:或 (屋主)