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楼主: chenzhuolinlin

新明路大牌442主人普通房女搭近JCU 和TMC 爱同学校电 85068823

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我住新民路。汤申商场对面。也属于碧山区域,过去弹琴应有20多年吧、多年来时常在教课。也由于身体休息不好。近年很少摸琴了,。有兴趣玩古筝的朋友、一起切磋交流琴技,去你家也可以来我家都可以。男女老少均可。免费交流 共同进步。星期一至星期天都有工作,每天下午一点至下午6点有空;想学习古筝的朋友也可以联系我,我提供教材,乐器。学费便宜、免费调音 修理乐器 !qq1227747931、下午方可接电话,最好发信息,, 0065 阿丽。我也很喜欢笛子 吉他 四弦琴 琵琶,电子琴,葫芦丝 ,同时家里也有这些乐器。得空时弹弹。就是不太会唱歌,,希望爱好音乐的朋友一起学习指教、听听美妙的音乐是一种享受。
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发表于 半年前|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
Dear parents/guardians

We’ve come to the end of Week 6 of the first term, and trust your child is happy and well-adjusted in school.

Teachers have observed that the girls are lively, responsible and responsive. We saw their enthusiasm and sense of fun during this week’s assembly when we had a theatre group perform for and with them.

At the same time, it is heartening to see the girls take their academic curriculum seriously. Some of them have mentioned they have had to spend a lot of time on their school work. While the curriculum is rigorous, we continue to remind the girls that they need to get sufficient rest.

The girls’ CCA allocation has been finalised and announced to them. On the whole, the girls are happy with their allocation. If that isn't the case for your daughter, do speak to her and let us know if there is anything we can do to help. Students may need some time for adjustment to a CCA that may not have been their first choice(s). We believe the girls’ participation in CCA is another platform for their character and leadership development.

The teachers have been working towards the annual camp that we have for all the students. The Life Skills Camp takes place in week 10 of this term, with Monday and Tuesday being non-residential (they end school in the afternoon as usual), and Wednesday to Friday a residential one in school. We will send you a letter shortly with more details of this camp.

Finally, we look forward to meeting you again soon, either at the Breakfast Meeting with the Principal next week or on the final night of the Life Skills Camp when parents will be invited to attend the evening’s programme. Do look out for that invitation!

Best regards

Ms Lim Guat Ha & Mrs Foo-Yap You Min

Year Heads

Sec 1
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发表于 半年前|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
xinming ave 新明路大牌442主人普通房女搭近JCU 和TMC 爱同学校电我房新民路大牌443是4房式政府组屋有普通房900元限最多住3人 主人房1000限制住三人以内, 女搭房限制三人一i间 环境优美 。房间宽敞干净 通风 近JCU 和TMC学校, 距汤生路商场,爱同学校100米左右,靠经碧山 红帽桥 大巴窑 马里蒙 汤生路 有巴士162 162m 163 153 980 52 410 166143  交通方便。环境优美 。出入自由 房客友善 有网线可煮饭。欢迎喜欢音乐 文艺的斯文 知书达理文明守约,性格好的女性朋友同住一个屋檐下,陪读母女,夫妻 学生 pr 证件也可。不要新加坡公民,文明守约。请电话预约0065 9812xinming ave 新明路大牌442主人普通房女搭近JCU 和TMC 爱同学校电我房新民路大牌443是4房式政府组屋有普通房900元限最多住3人 主人房1000限制住三人以内, 女搭房限制三人一i间 环境优美 。房间宽敞干净 通风 近JCU 和TMC学校, 距汤生路商场,爱同学校100米左右,靠经碧山 红帽桥 大巴窑 马里蒙 汤生路 有巴士162 162m 163 153 980 52 410 166143  交通方便。环境优美 。出入自由 房客友善 有网线可煮饭。欢迎喜欢音乐 文艺的斯文 知书达理文明守约,性格好的女性朋友同住一个屋檐下,陪读母女,夫妻 学生 pr 证件也可。不要新加坡公民,文明守约。请电话预约0065 李姐 QQ 302589897李姐 QQ - See more at: http://
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