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潘多拉外传 LV5

发表于 18-6-2004 00:43:57 | 显示全部楼层

<P>aiz...in fact i can speak english freely with Singaporeans but with PRC ppl....i have a bit of problem...because language is a communication tool and i always try to seek the best tool to communicate with the ppl who i am speakin to...</P><P>juz like...i dun speak Cantonese at home but i will speak Cantonese with my Canton friends,,,and i will speak Teochew with my friends in my hometown...</P>

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kg2002 LV6

发表于 18-6-2004 03:37:49 | 显示全部楼层

you mean you speak the languages to the right ppl?

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潘多拉外传 LV5

发表于 18-6-2004 09:06:15 | 显示全部楼层

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>kg2002</I>在2004-6-18 3:37:49的发言:</B>
you mean you speak the languages to the right ppl?</DIV>

i mean...i will choose the language which the person i am talkin to feels most comfortable with. thus i usually will take the ppl's 1st dialect or 1st language(provided i can speak that language). i feel like doing so......but the types of languages i command is far too few......

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RichardMao LV1

发表于 29-6-2004 17:01:46 | 显示全部楼层

Chatting through Microphone

<P>Hi all,</P>
<P>Like everybody here, i am eager to improve my english, especially oral english.</P>
<P>I agree that meeting regularly in one place is a good idea for practising english. But the problem is, it is quite tough to set a fits-all time and venue. Therefore, my suggestion is that we add each other in the MSN contact list, and once we meet in there, just try to chat in english via microphone. Since somebody, especially female, are afraid to meet strangers, chatting via micro phone is really a safe, cost-effective and flexible way to improve english communication skills.</P>
<P>How do your guys think about it?</P>
<P>BTW, my hotmail is: <a href="[email protected]" target="_blank" >[email protected]</A></P>
<P>Hope to chat with your in the near future.</P>

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west_top LV6

发表于 31-8-2004 10:49:26 | 显示全部楼层

<P>good to speak to someone who do not know a single chinese word. it's really wired to speak english among chinese. at least i don't feel comfortable with it. hahaha.....<p></p></P>

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加州阳光 LV4

发表于 31-8-2004 14:21:04 | 显示全部楼层

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>west_top</I>在2004-8-31 10:49:26的发言:</B>

<P>good to speak to someone who do not know a single chinese word. it's really wired to speak english among chinese. at least i don't feel comfortable with it. hahaha.....

<P>I cant speak chinese... so maybe we can practise together?</P>

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加州阳光 LV4

发表于 31-8-2004 14:22:11 | 显示全部楼层

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>Cantab</I>在2004-5-18 20:05:40的发言:</B>

<P><B>Having browsed this forum section for long time, a new comer here would like to throw two cents, may we organize regular english corner at scheduled place to create more opportunities for people to brush up their communication skills? English is only communication vehicle, most importantly, how do you convey your ideas in concise and clear way to your audiences would be a big challenge even to native speakers? </B></P>
<P><B>If you favor it, cast your vote now. Let me see how many people intend to jump onto the bandwagon. Afterwards, we can create one group only for english enthusiasts.</B> </P>[em02][em06]</DIV>

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猫猫抱抱我 LV8

发表于 1-9-2004 01:09:29 | 显示全部楼层

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>加州阳光</I>在2004-8-31 14:21:04的发言:</B>

<P>I cant speak chinese... so maybe we can practise together?</P></DIV>

what is you race ah?

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深邃与甜蜜 LV5

发表于 2-9-2004 05:02:25 | 显示全部楼层

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>猫猫抱抱我</I>在2004-9-1 1:09:29的发言:</B>

what is you race ah?</DIV>
<P>Nosy parker!

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绕着剑的风 LV6

发表于 3-9-2004 00:13:04 | 显示全部楼层

you too!!!

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