你是不是已经拿到LPR了??LPR是蛮新的移民政策,不是很多人有类似的经验的。如果和以前的AIP一样的话,基本上有full time job就可以了。一般上,能拿到LPR的人,在新加坡找份工作,应该不难。因为,对LPR就和本地公立学校的毕业生一样,找工作是不受什么EP,WP条件限制的,也不用交人头税。至于说,能不能先找个中介买个合同顶住,把PR拿下来。原则上,你可以。不过,好心提醒一下,请慎重。这里和国内不一样,对一个人的信用和诚实看得比较重。如果,被发现的话,你可能会血本无归的,付出的时间和金钱,都会泡汤。其实,能拿到LPR的人,一般都属于高学历,高能力的人,花点时间在这里找个工作,不是太难!!祝你好运!!
Landed Permanent Residence (LPR)
This scheme is open to those who have acceptable professional or tertiary qualifications, are working in professional, managerial or specialist jobs and are interested in relocating to Singapore but are currently not working in Singapore. Undergraduate or postgraduate students studying in reputable foreign universities may also apply. Successful applicants will have up to 1 or 2 years to seek employment or relocate their families to Singapore. PR status will be granted once employment is secured or the family has relocated to Singapore. LPR is not renewable.