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<TD width="100%"><IMG src="https://www.sgchinese.com/bbs/Skins/Default/topicface/face1.gif" align=absMiddle border=0> <B>"LINK" International Calling card (ICC) sale</B>
<P>I have some "LINK" ICC for sale. Selling them at $8.50 per card. Each card can call to China for about 360mins. No per call connection charge. Flat rate all day.</P>
<P>If you take more than 2 cards, should be able to sell below to you below $8.50. Will tell you how much in email when u tell me the number of cards you are buying. </P>
<P>Collection should be at MRT. For the current time, we meet at clementi or jurong MRT. We can include more MRT if necessary. Please confirm in email.</P>
<P>This card uses Singtel Server to connect the call.</P>
<P>interested , please email to <a href="https://www.sgchinese.com/bbs/[email protected]" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#000000>[email protected]</FONT></A></P></TD></TR></TABLE> |