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楼主: redboy

我在新加坡的遭遇-连载 (附部分补充

发表于 18-6-2004 11:26:18|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>garden</I>在2004-6-17 12:51:19的发言:</B>

<P><FONT color=#ff0000>其实我觉得读博士的本身就说明他这个人没什么用处,适应不了社会复杂的大环境而只是一味的躲在单纯的学校里。</FONT></P></DIV>
<P>BS!.......according to a joint report by Yale University and Federation Government.
<P>In average, PhD holders contribute more to the society than 95% of the rest people.
<P>Less than 1% of the US population can acheive Doctoral or equivalent Qualifications!
<P>and there are much more PhD holders working in industry than in academia...
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发表于 18-6-2004 10:36:42|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>nichol</I>在2004-6-17 19:42:10的发言:</B>

<P>Hi Nichol:</P>
<P>If "你" means me, you are wrong. </P>
<P>Firstly, since my undergraduate, I've never spent a single cent of my own money, as I got full scholarship (including the living fees). Now I got sponsorship from outside corporations, living fees $2000 pm. So "欢迎你的钱" is wrong.</P>
<P>Secondly, I am not "廉价劳动力". All of my peers from China got their first jobs with a salary equal or even higher than Singaporeans. As fresh undergraduates, many of them even hit $3K pm with 8 hours 5 working days. For those taking MEng or PhD, they are not 廉价劳动力 either. Although it's only $1.5K, but it's far more enough. If you compare the amount with that in China, you will see which is 廉价劳动力. Furthermore, during the projects, I gained knowledge, experience, papers or even money. So I don't view it as 廉价劳动力.</P>
<P>Thirdly, if you say the supervisors are not good, I tell you... From my 4 years undergraduate and 1 year PhD study in NTU, I should say 80% of EEE professors are good, 19% are not bad, 0.9999% are normal, the rest 0.0001% can't be found. If you don't believe, I give you two personal examples: </P>
<P>1. My industrial attachment NTU supervisor, during the IA, he gave me a lot of hints on how to work as an engineer, which greatly motivates me. At that time I worked really hard. He even used his own experience in order ask me to take care of health. I was really touched...</P>
<P>2. My FYP supervisor not only guides me along with the one year project, but also encourages me whenever I encountered any tough problems in the project. I really thank him. Thanks to him, I had 3 papers published during my final year of my undergraduate.</P>
<P>There are plenty of these kinds of examples around me...</P>
<P>Nichol, I am not arguing with you, but just want you to know some other truth besides reboy's. And the above words are not arguing with reboy either. They are just some other truth to be shared with you... <IMG src=""></P>
<P>  </P>[em07]
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发表于 18-6-2004 16:39:02|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<P>有的人读phd是为了学位, 有的人是为了学到东西, 也有的人是找不到工作而逼不得已去读 (但也要成绩好到上定程度才行)..</P><P>所以不能一概而论..</P>
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发表于 18-6-2004 17:46:45|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<P>感觉新加坡总体来讲是不错的。</P><P>case by case吧。</P><P>反正我在engineering,老板很好,也严。师兄们也不错。我的老板为了能给我top up,一定要我也去做一个c++的project。虽然我不会c++,她说我可以一边做一边学,只要每天进步就可以了,不急。</P><P>遇到不好的老板可以自己要求换老板,如果不给换,大不了就被停奖学金,回家,从新申请就是了。没有什么大不了的。我们系这边对不起老板的case倒是挺多,也都是中国人做的,经常是读完一年突然人就不见了,跑到美国读phd或者是f2到美国。老板对不起学生的case也有,不过没有像这位老兄说得这么过分的。在nus看到的学生大多数都是悠哉游哉的,每天10:00到lab,中午吃个饭,回来上上网,跑跑程序,下午去打打球,晚上吃了饭,再回lab上上网,看看paper,跑跑程序,晚上10:00回家看看电视,就休息了。逢周末还会出去搓搓饭,逛逛街。我唯一觉得苦闷的是要和喜欢的女生两地分着,还得整天打着电话追着,连有没有被别的男生追走都不知道。</P><P>这几天欧洲杯,就更没有做什么了,每天晚上看球,中午1点到学校吃个饭,跑跑程序,上上网,晚上12点到家继续看,不过为了看球,就没有再玩别的了。</P>
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发表于 18-6-2004 21:12:08|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 18-6-2004 21:41:27|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 18-6-2004 21:29:23|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 18-6-2004 22:50:14|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 19-6-2004 10:05:13|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>redboy</I>在2004-6-14 11:16:33的发言:</B>

<P>那个MONSTER的名字叫KHOO SOO BENG.早在1999年,此人就因为虐待中国学生而闻名一时.</P>
<P><a href="" target="_blank" ></A></P>
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发表于 19-6-2004 12:24:34|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<P>redboy写得不错的! 我觉得有些人好像对RB有点偏见,花那么多时间写出这个东西,而且相当真实。anyway,我们都该向RB表示感谢! 不过RB,你这样写是不是会让很多没来新加坡的同胞产生恐惧感,能不能详细介绍一下,其他的专业,比如说NUS的商课有没有类似的情况,或者说,这些情况只是一个“个案”!?</P>[em07]
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