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NUS的问题 急呀

发表于 12-6-2004 08:09:25|来自:江苏南京 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<FONT color=#555555>还是那个问题 我拿到毕业证书和学位证书了 已经寄去复印件了 </FONT>
<P>我申请的是applied economics MSC by course好象很少有人申请这个的
<P>原来NUS发了EMAIL说 Please ensure that your outstanding document(s)/payment must be submitted to us by 30 June 2004, in order for you to be considered for the Semester I, 2004-2005 (August 2004) intake. If there is insufficient time for all necessary administration to be completed, we regret we may not be able to consider you for admission to the August 2004 intake.
<P>Yours sincerely
<P>Chia Hsiao Ching (Miss)
<P>for Vice-Dean (Research and Graduate Studies)
Dear ***********
<P>For normal cases of admission where we do not need to wait for outstanding
documents, we can actually send the offer letters out earlier.
<P>However, for cases where we have to wait for the outstanding documents, we can
only send the offer letters out later. Do rest assured that we would ensure
there is sufficient time for foreign applicants to prepare for their trip to
Singapore. The main concern is actually the approval of the Entry Visa.
<P>For your case, we would wait for your outstanding documents to reach our office
and then send the offer letter to you.
<P>Hsiao Ching
后来我去问了 他们又回Dear ***********
Thank you for your reply.
<P>We would greatly appreciate it if the following documents could reach our office by June 2004:
<P>1) A copy of your degree scroll (we do not require you to send us the original copy, just a certified true copy of the scroll will do).
Chia Hsiao Ching (Miss)
Administrative Officer
Division of Research and Graduate Studies
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
<P>Dear Mr *********
<P>I refer to your e-mail of 6 April 2004.
<P>We have received your official transcript. Therefore the only materials that you should provide are two copies of Bachelor degree scroll/certificate.
Hooi Han
<P>Dear ********
Thank you for your email.
We would require you to send us a certified true copy of the degree scroll/certificate. You can request the Registrar's Office of your home university to stamp the University chop, and an official signature on the document, and send it to us.
&lt;!-- Converted from text/rtf format --&gt;
Chia Hsiao Ching (Miss)
Administrative Officer
Division of Research and Graduate Studies
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
大家说我还有希望吗?听有的人说他们拒人都是不直接说的 就是说你少什么材料什么的 天那  大家快帮帮我呀!!我昨天天按他们说的寄DHL把复印件 签字盖章了 公正件准备等他们需要的时候寄
发表于 12-6-2004 10:29:16|来自:江苏南京 | 显示全部楼层
<P>第一,我可以很肯定的讲你一定少发了一些要求的文件,这些要求一定在入学报名表里面列了,而你开始申请的时候没有寄。我不确定NUS有没有发信给你列明你所缺的文件。</P><P>第二,依你贴的email,你少的文件是一样,就是 one/two certified true copy(ies) of Bachelor degree scroll/certificate。就是你的毕业证书。而你上次他收到的是成绩单(official transcript)。</P><P>第三,依我看所有的信,我没看出来有什么拒你的意思。我也从来没听说过你所描述的那种拒人的方式。</P><P>就这些,加油吧,还有时间的话,多补些英文。刚开始英文授课可能会不习惯。MSc的课程很短,你没时间浪费的。</P><P>另外要对自己有信心,无谓的猜测不会对事情产生任何帮助,只会给自己加重心理负担。</P>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 12-6-2004 12:23:20|来自:江苏南京 | 显示全部楼层
<P>我知道这些意思 是少了个毕业文凭 我一开始说了让他们先process我的application</P><P>原来他们说申请8月开学的人late may就可以知道有没有给OFFER的消息</P><P>后来我问了 那我late MAY还有消息吗?他们让我6月底前提供材料 说明 对于我没有消息</P><P>For normal cases of admission where we do not need to wait for outstanding
documents, we can actually send the offer letters out earlier.
<P>However, for cases where we have to wait for the outstanding documents, we can
only send the offer letters out later. Do rest assured that we would ensure
there is sufficient time for foreign applicants to prepare for their trip to
Singapore. The main concern is actually the approval of the Entry Visa.
<P>For your case, we would wait for your outstanding documents to reach our office
and then send the offer letter to you.
</P><P>就是这个意思吧  我已经寄去了 DHL 希望有OFFER吧 但时间很紧了 NUS都是7。22注册 8。2开学 我来的及吗?我现在连OFFER还没呢!!</P>[em06]
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发表于 12-6-2004 18:52:05|来自:江苏南京 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 17-6-2004 21:02:48|来自:江苏南京 | 显示全部楼层
<b><FONT face=Verdana>最新的EMAIL 怎么办啊!</FONT></b> <P><FONT face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=2>Dear ***********
Thank you for your email.

We have received the documents which you sent to our office earlier. Now we are
preparing to put you up for admission for Faculty's approval.

We expect that our letter of offer would be made to you by early July 2004,
once the Faculty approves your admission.

We would handle the entry visa application on your behalf as well. For your
information, our new school term would commence from 2 August 2004.


Chia Hsiao Ching</FONT></P>
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