<P><b>一、 基本情况</b></P>
<OL type=1>
<LI>Chalmers University of Technology
<LI>Göteborg University
<LI>Stockholm School of Economics
<LI>University College of Jönköping
<LI>Karlstad University
<LI>Karolinska Institutet
<LI><a href="http://www.cscse.edu.cn/cglx/sweden/rit.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#000000>Royal Institute of Technology</FONT></A>
<LI>Linköping University
<LI>Luleå University of Technology
<LI>Lund University
<LI>Stockholm Institute of Education
<LI>Stockholm University
<LI>The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
<LI>Umeå University
<LI>Uppsala University
<LI>Växjö University Örebro University
<LI>World Maritime University </LI></OL>
<P><b>其它学院:</b> </P>
<OL type=1>
<LI>Blekinge Institute of Technology
<LI>University College of Dance
<LI>University College of Film, Radio, Television and Theatre
<LI>University College of Borås
<LI>Dalarna University College
<LI>University College of Gävle
<LI>University College of Halmstad
<LI>University College of Kalmar
<LI>Kristianstad University College
<LI>University College of Skövde
<LI>University College of Trollhättan/Uddevalla
<LI>University College of Gotland
<LI>Stockholm University College of Physical Education and Sports
<LI>University College of Arts, Crafts and Design
<LI>Royal University College of Fine Arts
<LI>Royal University College of Music
<LI>University College of Malmö
<LI>Mid-Sweden University College
<LI>University College of Mälardalen
<LI>Stockholm University College of Opera
<LI>Södertörns University College
<LI>National Academy of Mime and Acting cccc </LI></OL><!-- InstanceEndEditable --> |