<P>you can take 5 A Level subjects if you have applied for it and MOE allows... However i have never seen anyone taking 5 A subjects yet...... which means...it's very rare~</P>
<P>errr~ do you mind my asking...which JC are u in now?</P>
<P>aiz,, for general paper, you really cannot write whatever you want,,, eventhough the point you are arguing for is chosen by you, you still have to include at least 1 to 2 balance points. And the points don't come common-sense... you have to make use of libraries, there are books which listing arguments and essays on particular topics such as "globalisation", "nuclear weapons", etc. prepare at least 4 to 5 topics, read up, as far as possible, whatever information you can find for these topics. Magazines and newspapers are solely for extra info, don't dig into them too deeply because the articles are not arranged by topics.. but take note of the articles of the topics of your interest.</P>
<P>all the best,,, </P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-13 11:27:45编辑过] |