发表于 30-9-2004 14:22:04|来自:新加坡
<P></P><P>來新工作有前途嗎 ? 我老公作 IT 的 </P><P>他的一個中國同事剛離職 要去北京工作 (是南通人 , 拿獎學金在新念大學 ) , 問他說中新的優缺 覺得各有利弊 in the end 他還是選擇回去中國</P><P> </P><P>It depends. People are different. For examples, Some masters graduated from NUS can go back to China after graduation immediately and get basic salary above 10K RMB per month. But it is also true some masters graduated from NUS cannot even find a job in Singapore and they have to go back to China and find some lousy job only 3K RMB per month. As for those who work in Singapore, it also depends. For the graduates 7 years ago, even if the 3rd class(In my eyes they are rubbish)can get basic salary more than 3.5K SGD at that time and now they should be enjoying salary more than 5K. But for graduates these few years most ppl can only get 1.5K-3K. Even many of the first class ppl can only get the salary maximum 3K SGD. </P> |