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[狮城水库] Lelong Lelong, GCE A level ten year series, text book. Cheap o!!!

发表于 1-10-2004 11:24:49|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<TABLE  width="90%" border=0>

<TD  width="100%"><IMG src="" align=absMiddle border=0> <B></B>

<P>ehz... after my A think all my ten year series wil be useless to me liaoz. who wants to buy ah? all redspot ones. till year 2001. average $5 each. all quite new la. coz i rarely touch them. lazy bug.. hehe... i hv </P>
<P><B><FONT color=#dd4822>Physics</FONT></B>, </P>
<P><IMG src="" align=middle border=0> <U><FONT color=#ff0000>$6 </FONT></U>Topical, 1988-2001, with worked solutions. Redspot, Catalogue 2002</P>
<P><IMG src="" align=middle border=0> <U><FONT color=#ff0000>$4</FONT></U>GCE'A' Level Physics, (Revised Edition), with answers, 1976-2002</P>
<P><IMG src="" align=middle border=0><U><FONT color=#ff0000>$5</FONT></U>Text book: Longman A level Course in Physics, Volume1 </P>
<P>                                          by Loo Kwok Wai &amp;Ong Bee Hoo</P>
<P><FONT color=#dd9222><B>Maths C</B></FONT>,</P>
<P><IMG src="" align=middle border=0><U><FONT color=#ff0000>$5 </FONT></U>Yearly, 1991-2002, with worked solutions, Redspot, Catalogue 2003</P>
<P><IMG src="" align=middle border=0><U><FONT color=#ff0000>$5</FONT></U>A level Classified Mathematics,with answers, Syllabus 9233, SAP(xin ya)    </P>
<P><FONT color=#d56f2b><B>Economics</B></FONT>,</P>
<P><IMG src="" align=middle border=0><U><FONT color=#ff0000>$6</FONT></U>Yearly, 1994-2002,with worked solutions, Redspot  Catalogue </P>
<P><IMG src="" align=middle border=0><FONT color=#ff0000><U>$3</U></FONT><FONT color=#000000>2003Alevel Economics (9076/9079),1990-2002,with answers, P1MCQ,P2 data           response, by Cheryl Ng S.H, Dyna publisher Pte. Ltd. </FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#e66b1a><B>General Paper</B></FONT></P>
<P><IMG src="" align=middle border=0><U><FONT color=#ff0000>$6 </FONT></U>Yearly, 1985-2002, with worked solutions,P1 Essay, P2 comprehension. Redspot Catalogue 2003</P></TD></TR></TABLE>
发表于 1-10-2004 11:25:47|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 1-10-2004 11:39:10|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<P>ehz?? bochap leiz. </P><P>up up</P>
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