<TABLE height=205 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=472 border=0>
<TD>1、Asia Pacific Management Institute Pte Ltd(亚太管理学院)
2、Asia Pacific School of Business Pte Ltd(亚太商业学校)
3、Auston Institute of Management & echnology (AUSTON工艺管理学院)
4、Brighton Commercial Training Centre(Brighton商业培训中心)
5、British Council English Language Teaching Centre (British委员会
6、Centre for Innovation & Entrepreneurship(企业家创新中心)
7、East Asia School of Business(东亚商业学校)
8、FTC Training Centre (英国培训中心)
9、Informatics Computer School(英华美计算机学校)
10、Management Development Institute of Singapore(新加坡管理发展学
11、Raffles Lasalle Institute(莱佛士 拉萨尔学院)
12、Shelton School of Commerce(Shelton商业学校)
13、Singapore Institute of Commerce(新加坡商业贸易学院)
14、Singapore Institute of Management (新加坡管理学院)
15、SSTC Education Centre(SSTC 教育培训中心)
16、St. Francis Methodist School(圣福朗西斯学校)
17、St. James English School(圣詹母斯英语学校)
18、Stansfield College(史丹福学院)
19、Thames Business School(泰晤士商业学校)
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-10 18:49:09编辑过] |