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[陪读话题] 有陪读妈妈要到新加坡了

发表于 12-11-2004 15:43:18|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
remember that many landlords in Singapore are the fucking pigs. Never desposit more than 1 month. Only deposit at most 1 month enough. Also do not submit the money to landlords so early, try to submit by the end of each month. Your deposit will be taken as one month rental fee. Dun be so honest to wait for the landload to return u the money. Usually they will deduct your deposit with funny excuses. Just do not pay the rental for your last month, then those singapores will have no more means to cheat your money.
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发表于 12-11-2004 16:18:36|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 12-11-2004 16:40:25|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
</P><P>Did I say sth rude? </P>[em06]
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发表于 13-11-2004 01:24:41|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>赌球的老狠</I>在2004-11-12 15:43:18的发言:</B>
remember that many landlords in Singapore are the fucking pigs. Never desposit more than 1 month. Only deposit at most 1 month enough. Also do not submit the money to landlords so early, try to submit by the end of each month. Your deposit will be taken as one month rental fee. Dun be so honest to wait for the landload to return u the money. Usually they will deduct your deposit with funny excuses. Just do not pay the rental for your last month, then those singapores will have no more means to cheat your money.</DIV>
<P>偶老公有個朋友在作房屋仲介的, 他不做中國留學生的生意, 因為他有同事仲介一個學生, 結果屋子廁所廚房太髒, 屋主拒絕收屋, 他同事自己親自去刷洗乾淨後, 屋主才簽收, 他們覺得頗多中國留學生挺不愛惜公物, 因此寧願少點收入,也不想做他們的生意..........事否結果變成比較老實的屋主(不論是否為新加坡人) 不願租房給中國學生, 只有超級狡猾的人才敢租給中國學生 並從中騙財呢? ....<IMG src=""></P>
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发表于 13-11-2004 21:13:25|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<P>现在很少有中国人租本地有房东的房了. 你看看狮城论坛房屋版就知道了.</P><P>很多人宁愿出高一点钱,去住包整间的,无房东的.</P>
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