发表于 19-11-2004 09:33:30|来自:新加坡
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>逍遥狮城</I>在2004-11-19 3:02:29的发言:</B>
<P>stil dun koe wad u mean ....ok nv mind lahzZ i told u tht my Hp. No. give me a sms ....let me koe u No...</P>
<P>if u want .....ok ?thank you </P></DIV>
<P>Well....u seems kind of helping others based on the story u wrote.....may I let the mother of 棟棟 who is sick (腦瘤) and need surgery and of cos ur money know your HP no. ? </P>
<P>if u agree ..... ok ? thank you..<IMG src="https://www.sgchinese.com/bbs/Skins/default/topicface/face5.gif"></P> |