<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>猫猫抱抱我</I>在2004-11-19 19:09:46的发言:</B>
do you want to make me faint?? unreadable!!!</DIV>
<P>tryin to help u......this is my translation...</P>
<P>"You can talk about me behind my back
or u can laugh in my face
but deep in your heart you wanna be in my place
that's why i say to all fake ass fellow's and <FONT color=#ff0033>snitche's...<<<--------this one i din get it...
</FONT>you better say nothing about me because only god can judge me"</P>
<P>anyway~~ nice out cry~~~~~i hate to be gossiped on too..</P>
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>hello_babe</I>在2004-11-20 22:53:46的发言:</B>
oh, please don't only put expressions, thank you piglet</DIV>
<P>OK I will remember... :)</P>