<P>this is what i said</P>
<TABLE width="90%" border=0 break-all? WORD-BREAK: fixed;>
<TD width="100%" 12pt? LINE-HEIGHT: 9pt;><IMG src="http://bbs.sgchinese.com/Skins/ziyuan8_com_2/topicface/face1.gif"> <B></B>
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>猫猫抱抱我</I>在2004-10-26 18:07:37的发言:</B>
okok... i am the truth guardian of the board...</DIV>
<P>well, as for Truth... I never told lies...right?
<P>Haha...What you mean is that You are the true guardian of the board, so I am false lor..haha.. I am a fake one..haha</P><IMG src="http://bbs.sgchinese.com/Skins/Default/emot/em07.gif">
~~~ Please join us! English A B C! ~~~
when you say nothing at all
<P>then you replied</P>
<TABLE width="90%" border=0 break-all? WORD-BREAK: fixed;>
<TD width="100%" 12pt? LINE-HEIGHT: 9pt;><IMG src="http://bbs.sgchinese.com/Skins/ziyuan8_com_2/topicface/face1.gif"> <B></B>
so you are my assistant ah! fake and true can complement each other</TD></TR></TABLE></P>
<P>Isn't this obvious? You said I am a fake?</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-29 16:01:35编辑过] |