<P><b>Cord blood banking is particularly useful and advisable for the following : </b></P>
<LI><EM><b>Family history of blood disorder and cancers </b>
</EM>Potentially may offer an extra treatment option in the form of stem cell transplant.
<LI><EM><b>Small family size, single child family, late pregnancies (>35 yrs old), difficult pregnancies or sub fertile couples.</b>
</EM>In this situations, the child may be the only child and hence will not have any donor, should he/she develop any diseases that require a stem cell transplant.
<LI><EM><b>Mixed Marriages (from different races) </b>
</EM>In this situation, it is very unlikely to be able to get a donor from the public stem cell banks as the genetic constitution will be very different. It is similar to people with rare blood groups.
<LI><EM><b>The First Born </b>
</EM>It is advisable to collect for the first born as we will never know if subsequent pregnancies will be successful. As such, if the first born becomes the only child, he will not have any siblings to depend on for blood stem cells, should he require any. </LI></OL>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-27 14:14:49编辑过] |