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楼主: ssss4

[陪读话题] [求助]有谁知道SG哪家医院保存脐带血?费用多少呢?

发表于 27-12-2004 12:53:30|来自: | 显示全部楼层
<P>另一家脐带血公司是“Stemcord". 网址如下:</P>
<P><a href="" target="_blank" ></A></P>
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发表于 27-12-2004 12:43:51|来自: | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 27-12-2004 14:09:15|来自: | 显示全部楼层


<P><b>Cord blood banking is particularly useful and advisable for the following : </b></P>
<LI><EM><b>Family history of blood disorder and cancers </b>
</EM>Potentially may offer an extra treatment option in the form of stem cell transplant.

<LI><EM><b>Small family size, single child family, late pregnancies (&gt;35 yrs old), difficult pregnancies or sub fertile couples.</b>
</EM>In this situations, the child may be the only child and hence will not have any donor, should he/she develop any diseases that require a stem cell transplant.

<LI><EM><b>Mixed Marriages (from different races) </b>
</EM>In this situation, it is very unlikely to be able to get a donor from the public stem cell banks as the genetic constitution will be very different. It is similar to people with rare blood groups.

<LI><EM><b>The First Born </b>
</EM>It is advisable to collect for the first born as we will never know if subsequent pregnancies will be successful. As such, if the first born becomes the only child, he will not have any siblings to depend on for blood stem cells, should he require any. </LI></OL>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-27 14:14:49编辑过]
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发表于 30-12-2004 08:33:48|来自: | 显示全部楼层
<P>谢谢ducky及各位的帮忙...我最后选了Stemcord. 因为他们是把血分成4小瓶保存.按需取用.另一家是全放入一个袋子.一旦从-180回到常温就不可再冷冻了.</P><P>另外.现在KK的收费也直逼私人医院.从KK取血的费用是1115.63 可其它医院就会低很多.比如NUH才350. 已经没的选了.反正不会再生了.hehe</P>
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发表于 31-12-2004 09:17:05|来自: | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>ssss4</I>在2004-12-30 8:33:48的发言:</B>

<P>谢谢ducky及各位的帮忙...我最后选了Stemcord. 因为他们是把血分成4小瓶保存.按需取用.另一家是全放入一个袋子.一旦从-180回到常温就不可再冷冻了.</P>
<P>另外.现在KK的收费也直逼私人医院.从KK取血的费用是1115.63 可其它医院就会低很多.比如NUH才350. 已经没的选了.反正不会再生了.hehe</P></DIV>

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发表于 31-12-2004 10:58:15|来自: | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 4-1-2005 10:58:21|来自: | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>ducky</I>在2005-1-4 10:52:53的发言:</B>

意外是没有啊。。。意“内“倒是快了。。。Baby No. 2: EDD, 1 May, 2005。。。又有不少共同话题了呀!</DIV>

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发表于 4-1-2005 10:52:53|来自: | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>ssss4</I>在2004-12-31 10:58:15的发言:</B>


意外是没有啊。。。意“内“倒是快了。。。Baby No. 2: EDD, 1 May, 2005。。。又有不少共同话题了呀!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 4-1-2005 11:09:32|来自: | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 4-1-2005 11:04:41|来自: | 显示全部楼层
谢谢!! 同喜,同喜!
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