<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>小鱼王子</I>在2005-5-17 17:13:32的发言:</B>
<P>English ABC, </P>
<P>A place made for all of us to practise and communicate with each other <U>by</U> <FONT color=#ff0000>(in)</FONT> a foreign language.</P>
<P>Day after Day,</P>
<P>The number of visitors <U>is </U><FONT color=#ff0000>(has been)</FONT> decreasing, the quality of English ABC is getting <U>worst </U><FONT color=#ff3300>(worse as ) </FONT>more advertisement<FONT color=#ff0000>s</FONT> and meaningless topics appearred <FONT color=#ff0000>(appeared).</FONT></P>
<P>What happened to it? Where are the old friends? What should we do now to <U>see English ABC being crowded again </U><FONT color=#ff0000>(have more people participate in English ABC again)?</FONT></P>
<P>I want<FONT color=#ff0000>ed</FONT> to see it happen, i want<FONT color=#ff0000>ed</FONT> to do something, <U>then <FONT color=#ff0000>(</FONT></U><FONT color=#ff0000>so)</FONT> i made <U>this <FONT color=#ff0000>(</FONT></U><FONT color=#ff0000>the following)</FONT> descision<FONT color=#ff0000>s</FONT>:</P>
<P>The English ABC Revolution:</P>
<P>1. No advertisement<FONT color=#ff0000>s</FONT>,</P>
<P>2. No rubbish topic<FONT color=#ff0000>s</FONT>,</P>
<P>3. Reward will <U>give</U> <FONT color=#ff0000>(go)</FONT> to member<FONT color=#ff3300>s</FONT> who <U>is keen in</U> <FONT color=#ff0000>(help in )</FONT> building up a New English ABC. <FONT color=#ff0000>(or </FONT><FONT color=#ff0000>Members who help in building up a New English ABC will be rewarded----this is better.)</FONT></P>
<P>4. If possible, <U>no chinese should be seen </U><FONT color=#ff0000>(no Chinese words allowed)</FONT>.</P>
<P><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#0000ff><b>The above is just my twe cents worth.</b></FONT> </P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-24 16:57:38编辑过] |