<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>cologne</I>在2006-2-27 22:09:00的发言:</B><BR><BR>
<P><FONT face=Arial color=#000000 size=3><FONT color=#f73809>If you hold a foreign driving licence and intend to remain in Singapore for less than twelve months, you are not required to convert your foreign driving licence to a Singapore driving licence</FONT>.<FONT color=#f70909> You may drive in Singapore with a valid foreign driving licence.</FONT> However, if your licence is not in English, in addition to a valid foreign driving licence, you are required to have an International Driving Permit<FONT color=#ff3300>. If an International Driving Permit is not available, an official translation of your driving licence in English is required.</FONT></FONT></P>
<P><a href="http://driving-in-singapore.spf.gov.sg/services/Driving_in_Singapore/Generated/Primary/primary14.html" target="_blank" >http://driving-in-singapore.spf.gov.sg/services/Driving_in_Singapore/Generated/Primary/primary14.html</A></P>
<P>楼主有麻烦我当然不会信口开河,涉外公证都是有英文的,也就是上面说的official translation of driving licence啦..</P></DIV>