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《六人行》Friends读书笔记-典故与习惯用语第3季(1-24) 2

发表于 5-3-2006 13:05:00|来自:福建厦门 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【308】the one wiht the Giant Poking Device<FONT color=#000000> <BR><BR>ice 笔记:) <BR>1.Phoebe: Yes,while i was in the chair! That's why i take such good care of my teeth now,you know, it not about oral hygiene,i floss to save lives! 这句词就挺搞笑的,weird Phoebe认为自己的牙关系人命。 这里的oral hygiene 口腔卫生 还是个不错的native词组哦。 <BR><BR>2.Guther: Oh,like you don't already have everything. Guther出镜不多,据说还是n集后才由群众演员升级为拥有一个名字的角色,但他每每的出现,总是让人捧腹。如同这句:你难道还不知足吗? 让ross莫名其妙之余,观众笑倒~~~```哈哈,personal i like guther <BR><BR>3.joey:ewwww~~ugly naked guy is using his new hammock. hammock 吊床,不错的词哦~ <BR><BR>4.joey:if the Homo Sapiens,were in fact homo-sapien? is that why there extinct? 这里又是一个笑料。首先ross告诉大家,博物馆里的智人标签homo-sapien的sapien被一些小孩涂改,重新组合了,(by the way ,他用了mess up 这个词组也很有用诶)但似乎忌讳很深入的讲下去,用let just let it at that跳了过去。在这里我个人认为,那些顽皮的小孩可能是把sapien改成sapphic,一个希腊的女同性恋诗人。而接下去就引出了坏笑joey的”science question“ 智人灭绝是因为他们是同性恋吗? 搞笑~ <BR><BR>5.monica大力把rainy bear连头带帽子撤了下了,rachy痛苦的说一句,oh it's like a bloodbath in here today. bloodbath 屠杀 挺搞笑 <BR></FONT>
发表于 5-3-2006 13:05:00|来自:福建厦门 | 显示全部楼层
6.monica和rachy帮可怜的little ben穿下全套熊雨衣,monic说了句:It just make more sense <BR>as an ensemble。 这句还是蛮有用的。 <BR><BR>7.ben说monica bang!的时候,monica惊慌失措:oh my god! he gonna rat me out! <BR>rat sb out 出卖某人~ 呵呵,值得一提的是,ben在这一集中相当可爱,尤其是说这句话的时候:)再想一想,n年后的我们应该如何称呼monica呢? monica bing!~~~~呵呵,kids know~~~:) <BR><BR>8.Rachel: oh yeah! you'know ,if it's not a headboard ,it just not worth it. headboard床头板。 这句为什么好笑? 呵呵,不用多说了吧:) <BR><BR>9.Phoebe: The cruse is broken. ·#%·#¥…… And this curse is getting stronger too, to bring down something that big. <BR>bring down 击倒,打倒, <BR><BR>10.Rachel: Well maybe he just taking a nap. take a nap 小睡一会儿 顺便一提,在美国的某些公司,认为take a nap 可以明显的提高工作效率,所以上班时间小睡几乎是合法化的 <BR><BR>11.Joey: hey! you know how we er, save all the chopsticks for no reason we get when we get Chiese food. <BR>本集joey用吃中餐收集的筷子做成了一个poking device 试探ugly naked guy是否被 Phoebe的咒言击中。欣慰ing,文明古国出的东西就是不一样。 by the way ,joey似乎对中餐评价甚高,在很多细节中有反应,比如在ross 前往中国那集。最后,chopstick 还是要记牢的。:) <BR><BR>12.joey关于chandler于janice的关系上发表自己看法说: i would bow out。 bow out 退出,常用词组。 <BR><BR>13.monica : you jerk! jerk 一词于friends中出现频率相当之高,应该是混蛋的最常用表达法吧。` <BR><BR>14.Chandler: i donnt wanna be the guy that breaks up a family, you know when my parents spilt up.......... 如果说break up是和gf或bf分手的最常用词组,spilt up常用于夫妻分手~~~ <BR><BR>15.Ross: Can we please focus here, a naked guy's life hangs in the balance! <BR>hang in the balance 安危未定,生死未决`` <BR>
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发表于 5-3-2006 13:06:00|来自:福建厦门 | 显示全部楼层
补充:在308中 <BR>有一场景 rachel说number one,joey偷笑 <BR>take number one 即小解的意思 <BR>美语中关于小解的表达法有 pee, take a piss , take a slash, relieve myself, take a number one , urinate等等 <BR><BR>to take the piss还有个意思是 <BR>to deflate somebody, to disabuse them of their mistaken belief that they are special. <BR>起因是piss-proud这个词, which refers to having an erection when waking up in the morning, which is usually attributed to a full bladder <BR>以上算个玩笑 <BR>take the piss <BR>make fun off, deride<FONT color=#000000> <BR></FONT>
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发表于 5-3-2006 13:06:00|来自:福建厦门 | 显示全部楼层
【309】The One With The Football <BR><BR><FONT color=#000000>1.One-Mississippi....... <BR>就是老外用来数数的,好象一二三 二二三 ,这是为了延长数1、2、3的时间,密西西比就是指河或者州,我估摸着是因为这个破词美国人觉得念起来很麻烦的吧。 <BR><BR>2.get mono <BR>mono是一种病.是单细胞什么什么什么症.好象还挺普遍的.接吻会传播. <BR>mononucleosis:noun: an acute disease characterized by fever and swollen lymph nodes and an abnormal increase of mononuclear leucocytes or monocytes in the bloodstream; not highly contagious; some believe it can be transmitted by kissing</FONT><FONT color=#000000> <BR></FONT>
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