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发表于 7-3-2006 09:25:00|来自:福建厦门 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
In graphical user interfaces, a pointer is a small arrow or other symbol on the display screen that moves as you move the mouse.<BR>在GUI中,当你移动鼠标时,在显示屏上,一起移动的那个小箭头或是其他形状的符号就叫光标<BR>You can select commands and options by positioning the tip of the arrow over the desired choice and clicking a mouse button.<BR>你可以用它的尖端来选中你想要选择的命令或是选项,并点击鼠标的按键<BR>Many text processing programs use an I-beam pointer.<BR>在文本的编辑状态中多用 I 型光标<BR>A list of commands or options from which you can choose.<BR>让你来选择的命令或选项的列表<BR>Most applications now have a menu-driven component.<BR>现在,大多数的应用程序都带有菜单驱动的部件<BR>You can choose an item from the menu by highlighting it and then pressing the Enter or Return key<BR>你可以从菜单上找到所须项目,并用[Enter]键或[Return]键来选择<BR>or by simply pointing to the item with a mouse and clicking one of the mouse buttons.<BR>也可以用光标并点击鼠标的某一个键来选择<BR>The antithesis of a menu-driven program is a command-driven system<BR>与菜单驱动程序相对应的是命令驱动系统<BR>in which you must explicitly enter the command you want rather than choose from a list of possible commands.<BR>其中你得去输入你想执行的命令而不是在菜单上选择<BR>Menu-driven systems are simpler and easier to learn but are generally not as flexible as command-driven systems<BR>菜单驱动的系统简单易学但却没有命令驱动系统的灵活性<BR>which lend themselves more naturally to interaction with programs.<BR>因为命令驱动的系统能更自然的结合到应用程序内部<BR>There are several different types of menus<BR>下面是几种菜单的类型<BR>pop-up menu<BR>弹出菜单<BR>
发表于 7-3-2006 09:26:00|来自:福建厦门 | 显示全部楼层
A menu that appears temporarily when you click the mouse button on a selection.<BR>在一处点击鼠标是,临时显示出来的菜单(位置不固定)<BR>Once you make a selection from a pop-up menu, the menu usually disappears.<BR>通常是你做了选择之后菜单就消失了<BR>cascading menu<BR>重叠菜单<BR>A submenu that opens when you select a choice from another menu.<BR>选了一个菜单的选项,又出现的子菜单<BR>pull-down menu<BR>下拉菜单<BR>A special type of pop-up menu that appears directly beneath the command you selected.<BR>一种特殊类型的弹出菜单,它直接出现在你所选的命令的下方<BR>moving-bar menu<BR>移动项菜单<BR>A menu in which options are highlighted by a bar that you can move from one item to another.<BR>在选项见可以来回移动,并进行选择的菜单<BR>Most menus are moving-bar menus.<BR>大多数的菜单是该重类型<BR>menu bar<BR>菜单条<BR>A menu arranged horizontally.<BR>横向排放的菜单<BR>Each menu option is generally associated with another pull-down menu that appears when you make a selection.<BR>其中每一选项个当你选中时都会显示出一个下拉菜单<BR>tear-off menu<BR>浮动菜单<BR>A pop-up menu that you can move around the screen like a window.<BR>一重可以想窗口那样自由移动的弹出式菜单<BR>
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发表于 7-3-2006 09:27:00|来自:福建厦门 | 显示全部楼层
In graphical user interfaces,a desktop is the metaphor used to portray file systems.<BR>在GUI中,[桌面]通常是对文件系统的一个比喻<BR>Such a desktop consists of pictures, called icons, that show cabinets, files, folders, and various types of <FONT size=+0>document</FONT>s (that is, letters, reports, pictures).<BR>桌面包括,被称之为图标的图片,文件柜,文件,文件夹,还有各类文件(计算机中的概念)<BR>You can arrange the icons on the electronic desktop just as you can arrange real objects on a real desktop<BR>你可以组织管理电子桌面上的图标,就好象是你管理现实中的桌面那样<BR>moving them around, putting one on top of another, reshuffling them, and throwing them away.<BR>像移动呀,改变叠放顺序呀,打乱顺序,或是干脆扔掉,都可以实现<BR>An enclosed, rectangular area on a display screen.<BR>在显示器上的一个封闭的矩行的显示区域<BR>Most modern operating systems and applications have graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that let you divide your display into several windows.<BR>大多数的现在的操作系统和应用程序都有GUI,来把你的显示器分割成若干个显示区域<BR>Within each window, you can run a different program or display different data.<BR>每个视窗里可以分别运行不同的程序或显示不同的数据<BR>Windows are particularly valuable in multitasking environments<BR>视窗的概念尤其是在多任务系统里极其重要和有价值<BR>which allow you to execute several programs at once.<BR>多任务是指同时执行多个程序的一个概念和技术<BR>By dividing your display into windows, you can see the output from all the programs at the same time.<BR>把显示器分割成几个窗口,可以让你同时看到不同程序的输出结果<BR>To enter input into a program, you simply click on the desired window to make it the foreground process.<BR>进入一个窗口时,你只须简单的点击那个窗口的一部分,使它变成前台处理就可以了
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使用道具 举报

发表于 7-3-2006 09:28:00|来自:福建厦门 | 显示全部楼层
A small picture that represents an object or program.<BR>代表一个程序,或代表一个对象,文件的小图片<BR>Icons are very useful in applications that use windows<BR>对于在视窗中的应用程序来讲图标是非常有用的<BR>because with the click of a mouse button you can shrink an entire window into a small icon.<BR>因为点击就会让整个程序的窗口缩小成一个图标<BR>This is sometimes called minimizing.<BR>这被称之为最小化<BR>To redisplay the window, you merely move the pointer to the icon and click (or double click) a mouse button.<BR>只要你从新移动你的鼠标到这个图标上点击的话(或双击)就会重新现实出刚才的窗口<BR>This is sometimes called restoring or maximizing<BR>这称之为最大化<BR>Icons are a principal feature of graphical user interfaces.<BR>图标是GUI当重最为基本的概念和构成 <BR>graphical user interface <BR>图形用户界面<BR>Abbreviated GUI<BR>缩写为GUI<BR>A program interface that takes advantage of the computer's graphics capabilities to make the program easier to use.<BR>利用计算机的图形处理的能力,来简化计算机使用的程序界面 <BR>Well-designed graphical user interfaces can free the user from learning complex command languages.<BR>设计良好的图形用户界面可以是用户从学习繁杂的命令中解放出来 <BR>On the other hand, many users find that they work more effectively with a command-driven interface, especially if they already know the command language.<BR>反之,也有一些用户人为命令行的操作更高效,尤其是对那些已经熟悉命令语言的人们来说<BR>
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