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帮帮忙!!!!急 急 急 谢谢大家了 近来看一下

发表于 25-4-2006 19:55:00|来自:四川成都 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
            我想要一份SIM学校的 读英国伦敦大学文凭 DIPLOMA  的经济和社会学的考试卷子.
             如果有的话 希望大家可以告诉我. 谢谢.
          这是我的邮箱地址:[email protected]
发表于 26-4-2006 10:18:00|来自:四川成都 | 显示全部楼层
ecame master of the empire automatically became the guardian of these <BR>cauldrons. In The Chronicle of Zuo it says that when the Viscount of Chu was reviewing his <BR>troops on Zhou territory and the Zhou king sent Prince Man to him with his royal compliments, <BR>the Viscount questioned Prince Man about the size and weight of the cauldrons. Of course, as <BR>ruler of the whole empire, only the Zhou king has the right to be guardian of the cauldrons. For <BR>a mere Viscount like the ruler of Chu to ask a questions about them showed that he was <BR>harbouring thoughts of rebellion and planning to depose the Zhou king and seize the empire for <BR>himself."
<P>"So 'asking about the cauldron' and 'chasing the deer' both mean wanting to be </P>
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