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发表于 1-5-2006 14:36:00|来自:加拿大 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
FOR MM : seraphic(天使般的美丽)〉gorgeous 〉sexy / hot  〉beautiful 〉pretty 〉got something 〉adorable  (如果是称赞18岁以上的mm是贬义,18岁以下是侧重可爱的意思)<BR><BR>FOR GG : handsome  〉good looking 〉 aesthetically challenged   (呵呵,这是不好看的委婉语)<BR><BR>以上是新东方老师讲的。<BR><BR>下面介绍一点偶和外籍GGMM实际交流中总结出来的:<BR>Nice: you use for friends and people if they behave in a good way (are polite, friendly and so on).<BR><BR>Good looking: you use for a MAN/GUY if you like his looks (face - eyes, nose, hair... -, figure, dress and so on).<BR><BR>Pretty: you use mainly for a GIRL/YOUNG WOMAN if you like her looks ('this is a pretty girl') - but you can also use for sayings like 'this was pretty close'(for a nearly car accident) she is dressed 'in a pretty way' and so on. <BR><BR>Pretty is 'softer' than beautiful - and you can say quiet 'fast'. Beautiful is more intensive - and you should only call people that you 'like very very much'<BR><BR>Beautiful: you use for a GIRL/WOMAN if you like her looks - it is a 'stronger' - and only concerning the person itself (face and figure plus dress)<BR><BR>Cute: many women like to be called that - it is not focused on looks (only) but mainly describes a 'feeling' for something/someone. You can call a young girl like 1-10 years 'cute'. The feeling is like if you want to pick her up and hug her. You can call young dogs - all baby animals - and a teddy bear cute (and so on).<BR><BR>Well - handsome - you use for a guy/man only... and it is comparable to pretty <BR>(which you use for a woman)....<BR><BR>最后补充几点,hot, sexy(大都不仅指外貌,更侧重身材)千万不能乱用,如果是两者间的对话则带有很强的暗示。<BR><BR>Cute,在老友记中,人们常挂在嘴上的,其实这个词是比较侧重feeling 的,形容某个人时,带有想抱抱她,kiss her 的意思,女生说男生也有同样的感觉。所以,如果只是单纯评价一个人的样貌,老外大都会用nice , pretty, ….来形容,而不会用cute. 一般来讲,说了cute,就有一种个人的好感在里面了。<BR><BR>所以,如果只是单纯想夸夸人家外国滴GGMM, nice 其实就可以了。<BR><BR>另外,nice 不仅可以夸外在美,还顺便夸了内在美,很不错滴讲。<BR>U are a nice guy. 外国GG都很喜欢听得哈。<BR><BR>还有就是,u are a little different. 哈哈,也很好用啦。<BR><BR>最后嘱咐一点,临场发挥还系要看场合语境滴,外国的GGMM大都比较坦白啦,如果他们不是真的长得很好看,是没必要太过恭维的,u are nice 夸奖一下心灵就可以啦。这就话真得很好用的说。


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