<p>请问大家在申请的时候,移民局网上的那个准备清单不是说要在递交材料后的一个月内,由老公公司给移民局写一封关于老公薪水,职位等等的信吗,大家都是照做的吗?是由公司直接寄给移民局吗?还是可以由我们交给移民局?多谢大家了!</p><p></p><p>P.S.原文如下:</p><p>(i) A letter from sponsor’s and applicant’s (if applicable) employer stating the date of employment, position held, salary per month for the last 6 months with breakdown into basic, overtime and allowance per month (see item 7 below). The letter, addressed to the Controller of Immigration, should be dated within 1 month from the date of submission.</p>
<p>(i) A letter from sponsor’s and applicant’s (if applicable) employer stating the date of employment, position held, salary per month for the last 6 months with breakdown into basic, overtime and allowance per month (see item 7 below). The letter, addressed to the Controller of Immigration, should be dated within 1 month from the date of submission.</p><p>这里是指, 你申请的时候你老公的在职证明和薪水证明不能是你申请当天一个月之前开的证明,比如,你8月1号申请的,那你老公的那些证明不能是7月1号之前开的, 懂了吗?</p>