以下是引用MIKELIU在2006-10-6 11:40:00的发言:还是兄弟好相互理解,我现在开始真的有点不敢讲话了。。。汗。。。 I feel that sometimes you are taking things too personally... 有時很多不中聽的話妳必須把他當耳邊風 If you have not done anything wrong, why do you have to worry about people talking bad about you? Stay true to yourself, and stay true to other people at the same time... I can feel your feelings towards April, and I am sure she can feel it too... But this is cyberspace, and I guess she just wants to protect herself... Be sincere and I am sure you guys will end up somewhere.... may it be friends or boyfriend/girlfriend Cool down and good luck [em05] |