发表于 31-8-2006 10:53:00|来自:新加坡
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>祖国万岁</i>在2006-8-31 10:31:00的发言:</b><br/>那就差不多了,可是我先生,整个儿一个死脑筋,每天都叫嚣,我们要存钱存钱,按他的意思,我估计是要我们存到5-7万。才去买房子。。。真不明白,我喜欢他嫁给他我都不怕辛苦,他一个大老爷们还这样,估计是跟他的朋友较劲来着,怕丢面子,我还不能说,一说两个人就闹别扭。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。我好郁闷啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!我怎么办!!!!!!!!!!我气到现在两个人结婚才几个月就想和他离婚回中国去了!!!!!!!他什么都好,怎么就不体谅我体谅我呢!!!!!! </div><p></p><p>are u working? </p><p>if yr husband is the sole bread-earner , he is more 保守, maybe he heard a lot of family cannot afford to pay the monthly instalement and the whole family have to suffer together,or may his job is not so secure or maybe he want to go back to home town after a few year, sit down with him and talk nicely with him, maybe he will tell u his true reason.</p><p>two of u together if happy , stay in a small room also happy , if not happy stay in villa also not happy.</p><p>家鸡随鸡, 家狗随狗.</p><p> </p>[em07] |