<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>王羊羊</i>在2006-9-22 20:42:00的发言:</b><br/>再过一段要去KK生孩子了,我想请问一下,去的时候要带什么东西呢?孩子用的尿布和奶粉需要嘛?还是医院会提供?我选择的是A1病房,那里什么都不提供嘛?比如卫生纸,浴液什么的?问的问题很幼稚,不过确实没有经验,请有经验的妈妈们帮忙回答.在此多谢了.</div><p>没有生过孩子,但是在那里上班的病房会有洗漱用品提供有独立的洗手间,冲凉房,卫生棉也提供,但是会不舒服</p><p> 带一套干净的衣服预备自己出院时候穿就可以了</p><p>baby的话也是准备1套衣服和包裹的小毯子, 出院时候用就可以了</p><p>一旦baby出生, 会提供1包pampers and one packet of wipes.</p><p>If U had a Nomal vaginal delivery, u may go home on the 1st day after your delivery.</p><p>If u had a LSCS, U may go home on the 3rd day after your operation.</p><p>A1 is not an necessary, U may choose b1, the class that your specific in- charge obstrtrician will delivery for U~~</p><p>All the best~~ </p>
<p>And your baby will be nursed in the nursery, don't worry~~~</p><p>p.s. REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR SLIPPERS AND JACKET IF U ARE NOT USED TO AIR-CON ( 22c)</p>