<p><font size="5"><strong>so long time not coming here,it seems nobody remember me</strong>[em04]</font></p><p><span style="LINE-HEIGHT: 200%;"><font size="4">A Friend...<br/>is a tissue when you can't stop crying<br/><br/>A Friend...<br/>is a shoulder when you feel like dying<br/><br/>A Friend...<br/>always listens when you have<br/>something to say<br/><br/>A Friend...<br/>is a week when you need a day<br/><br/>A Friend...<br/>is a crutch when you have a brokenheart<br/><br/>A Friend...<br/>is some glue when everything falls apart<br/><br/>A Friend...<br/>is a sun when the rain just won't stop<br/><br/>A Friend...<br/>is your'mom when you run into a cop<br/><br/>A Friend...<br/>is a phone call when you can't leave<br/>your home<br/><br/>A Friend...<br/>is a hand when you feel all alone<br/><br/>A Friend...<br/>is a wing if you want to fly<br/><br/>A Friend...<br/>understands without knowing why<br/><br/>A Friend...<br/>is an ear for a secret to tell<br/><br/>A Friend...<br/>is an aspirin when your head hurts like<br/>hell<br/><br/>A Friend... is you,<br/>and i wanted you to know!!<br/></font></span></p><br/>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-17 9:58:58编辑过] |