发表于 9-11-2006 10:29:00|来自:新加坡
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>kaixin666</i>在2006-11-9 7:17:00的发言:</b><br/>要买房,但不知道具体如何操作,知情者,请告知。谢谢。</div><p></p><p>1. get one banker to assess how much u can afford and get an in-principle approval from the banker(FOC).(if u are a PR)</p><p>2. look for the location u want. (near work place, near parent if u want them to take care of yr baby, if any)</p><p>3. talk to an agent u are comfortable with and inform him what u prefer (location, flat size , floor level , interior desogn ( u want to have bare unit to do the renovation yourself or get a proper done up unit etc).the more information u feed yr agent , the more he can do it for u and save yr trouble to see those hse u are not interested , a good agent will save u time and trouble. </p><p>4. after get yr dream hse, :-</p><p>a. place an deposit of $1-1000 and get ALL the owner signature. </p><p>b. go to the bank and get an letter of offer to support yr purchase.</p><p>c. to ex. the option up to a maximum of $5000/- (now the market is practice around $250-$250).</p><p>d. submit all doucements to hdb and wait for 1st appointment.</p><p>d1. hdb will sent techical officer to inspect the hse for any un-authorise renovation ( within 10 day upon u submit yr doucement to hdb), if there is any the owner have to rectify it</p><p>e. on 1st appt , the officer will vertify all doucements submitted and check with the seller the actual selling price and arrange for the 2nd appointment date(6-8 week from 1st appt).</p><p>f. within 10 day , approval letter will be issue.</p><p>g. 2 week before the 2nd appointment, u have to prepare cash to the lawyer and let the lawyer to settle with the rest (hdb ,cpf, bank, stamp duty and misc)</p><p>h. a few day before the completion , do a final inspection , make sure the hse is vacate and no further demage had done to the hse.</p><p>i. one completion day, u can do an online application of power supply and collect key from the lawyer. </p><p>home sweet home [em01]</p><p>please add if i miss anything.</p> |