<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>老曲</i>在2007-3-15 17:40:00的发言:</b><br/><p>what a tough day i went through</p><p>i had bad flu</p><p>feel like walking in the water</p><p>and keep sneezing</p><p>i try my best to recover from this bad condition</p></div><p>新加坡这天气,在水里走其实挺舒服的,哈哈。。。。[em07]</p>
<p>what a tough day i went through</p><p>i had bad flu</p><p>feel like walking in the water</p><p>and keep sneezing</p><p>i try my best to recover from this bad condition</p>