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[职场] LTSVP申请前需要准备什么材料呢,请帮忙啊

发表于 23-4-2007 14:48:00|来自:广东广州 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-23 18:17:36编辑过]
发表于 23-4-2007 15:01:00|来自:广东广州 | 显示全部楼层
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-23 15:01:46编辑过]
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发表于 23-4-2007 15:04:00|来自:广东广州 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 23-4-2007 15:23:00|来自:广东广州 | 显示全部楼层
<span id="richtextbullet">&nbsp;<ul><li><a id="/etc/medialib/mom_library/work_pass/files5#Par.43680.File.dat/LTSVPForm14_01122006.pdf" href="" target="_blank">LTSVP application form</a><img id="/etc/medialib/mom_library/mom_icon#Par.2383.Image " height="15" alt="" hspace="3" src="" width="12" align="absMiddle"/>;<br/><br/>- The applicant must be sponsored by a well-established Singapore-registered company,<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;normally the employer of the&nbsp;EP holder.这个是要老公公司的证明吗?我没工作,他是新加坡人..要吗:?<br/><br/>- The form must be endorsed with the company's stamp/seal and signed by both the applicant<br/>&nbsp; and an authorised officer from the sponsoring company. <br/>这个要他公司的签字吗?<br/></li><li dir="ltr">A copy of the EP holder's Statutory Declaration on his/her relationship with the applicant; <br/><br/>这个呢?</li><li dir="ltr">A letter from the EP holder's embassy confirming the status of his/her common-law marriage to the applicant in their country; <br/>这个要吗,?<br/></li><li dir="ltr">A copy of the personal particulars page of the applicant's travel document; and 护照还是结婚证书,旅游证件?什么来的</li><li dir="ltr"><br/><br/></li><li dir="ltr">A passport size photograph of the applicant (taken within the last three months).&nbsp;</li></ul><p>For non-English certificates or documents, a copy of the original certificates/documents and the official English translation certified by the respective embassy, must be submitted.</p><p>我有没有看错页啊...请大家指点,,迷糊<br/></p></span>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 23-4-2007 15:33:00|来自:广东广州 | 显示全部楼层
<p class="h4" style="COLOR: #999900;"><strong><font color="#000000">还真不是那页!</font></strong></p><p class="h4" style="COLOR: #999900;">Social Visitor Whose Spouse Is A Singapore Citizen (SC) or Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR)</p><ul><li>A copy (original) of duly completed <a href="" target="_blank">Form 14</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Form V39I</a> (Form V39I is only for non-Malaysians). You will require <a href="" target="_blank">Adobe Acrobat Reader</a> to read and print the form. Download may take a while; </li><li>A copy (original) of duly completed <a href="" target="_blank">Form V234</a>. You will require <a href="" target="_blank">Adobe Acrobat Reader</a> to read and print the form. Download may take a while; </li><li>One recent passport-sized photograph (colour/black &amp; white) to be pasted on the top right-hand corner of Form 14; </li><li>Applicant's marriage certificate (original and photocopy); </li><li>If applicant is pregnant, a letter from a registered doctor stating applicant’s expected date of delivery and a copy (original) of duly completed <a href="" target="_blank">Form V107</a> is required; </li><li>Children's birth certificates, if any; </li><li>Sponsor's identity card; </li><li>Sponsor's and applicant's highest educational certificate; </li><li>Sponsor's letter of employment stating date of commencement, designation and salary per month (for self-employed: sponsor's valid Registration Certificate from the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and Company's Profit &amp; Loss Statement for the last 12 months); </li><li>Sponsor's Income Tax Notice of Assessment for the last 3 years; </li><li>Sponsor's CPF Statement showing monthly CPF contribution for the last 12 months; <p>(The original and photocopies of the above documents are required.)</p></li><li>Applicant's valid travel document. <br/><p><strong>Note:</strong> Application must be sponsored by the spouse. </p></li></ul>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 23-4-2007 15:39:00|来自:广东广州 | 显示全部楼层
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>SELINAJO</i>在2007-4-23 15:04:00的发言:</b><br/><p>就是注册完了,几天可以申请LSVP,,要老公一同去吗...需要准备什么材料呢.</p></div><p>申请LTSVP的资料和PR差不多,只是少一个出生公证,交的资料越全,批得越快.你自己的要准备学历翻译件,护照.照片.</p><p>你老公的要学历,IC 12个月CPF 三年税单 公司在职信. 最重要的还有你们的结婚证.这些都要复印,看原件收复印件.</p><p>到ICA去拿号那说申请LTSVP的,他会让你填FORM 14 再到他那要234表填吧,记不清了,主要是填你父母家人的信息.</p><p>最后六个月的薪水单.也要复印,看原件收复印件.你可以同时申请PR,加一个出生公证就行,一个四楼,一个五楼,有时间</p><p>一天就搞定了,星期六排队太厉害. 老公要一起去 祝成功啊,MM ^_^</p>&nbsp;
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-23 15:57:24编辑过]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 23-4-2007 18:05:00|来自:广东广州 | 显示全部楼层
<p>谢谢 帮忙啊...我是在新加坡读了三年书的,现在毕业等成绩,以前来新加坡的时候就已经有了一大堆的学历证明译件,那我现在正在等成绩的文凭要怎么算呢?</p><p>12个月CPF,上哪拿啊,,以前发来的信都扔啦.三年税单又上哪拿呢?6个月的薪水单,,老公在二月换过工作,因为那一个月陪我回中国看爸妈了,停工的这一个月怎么算呢...现在工作的薪水单好办...可是之前公司的薪水单要怎么拿呢,以前的都扔啦..可以重新拿吗?是不是要之前公司出个证明就行呢??</p><p>以我学生毕业的学历是专业旅游方面的东西,老公因为换工作薪水不太高,不到2000,,这样,LTSVP跟PR一起申请的话,PR会批吗?PR申请有限制几次吗?</p><p>要是先拿LTSVP,半年后再申请PR的话,成功率会不会比现在高呢...我们两个都无不良记录,他以前服役是警察,这个有帮助吗?</p>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 23-4-2007 18:14:00|来自:广东广州 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 23-4-2007 21:33:00|来自:广东广州 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 24-4-2007 09:51:00|来自:广东广州 | 显示全部楼层
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