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[狮城水库] STs (P1, updated7) 3

发表于 23-6-2007 07:22:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<p>此为聊天贴. (Social Talkings)</p><p>大家无聊的时候, 进来坐坐, 说说话. 也许你的直言片语, 能给人带来启示. 也许,你能在这里找到共鸣!! 不欢迎水贴, 但这是我没法控制的说, 只能呼吁. 哈...</p><p>欢迎一干有见地的人如: wolf7, 92, 南人, 老狠, 花心石(好久不见...不知道还来不?) 等等... 还有很多人, 我不记得名字, 还有偶们的版主, 前次, 谢谢你们及时锁贴, 办事效率真高啊...我会陆续给出不同的话题. 如果大家有兴趣的话, 当然, 不仅仅只是谈婚论嫁的, 可以是当前的hot topic. 我不知道是什么, 不好意思中... 会不会是股票呢? 基金呢?</p><p>大家也可以贡献你们要谈的话题. </p><p>众人拾柴火焰高啊...不知道有没有人加入? 有点小担心的说, 毕竟我在这里是个陌生人. 哈, 但不管怎样, 先尝试下下!!</p><p><font color="#1111ee">1:先谈谈婚姻把? 这可是人生大事. </font></p><p><font color="#1111ee">a: what makes a man? </font></p><p><font color="#1111ee">b: what makes a woman?</font></p><p><font color="#1111ee">c: how to have a happy marriage?</font></p><p><font color="#1111ee">d:do you want to be married?</font></p><p>大家来拍砖吧? 大话题里有小话题, 嘿嘿...自己选择. </p><p><font color="#0938f7">e: Does being a real man making a lot of money?</font></p><p><font color="#0938f7">f: Do real man ever cry?&nbsp; want to hear from both men and women.</font></p><p><font color="#0938f7">g: What do you think ar the most important characteristic for a man and a woman?</font></p><p><font color="#0938f7">h:Can a man and woman be close friend without being in love each other?</font></p><p><font color="#0938f7">i: Is marriage always a good thing? </font></p><p><font color="#000000">如果大家可以详细些的话, 一点都不介意啊... 欢迎,漂亮的文字. 嘿嘿!! 期待ING...(Jun 26, 18:00)</font></p><p><font color="#0938f7">2: NO waste!!</font></p><p><font color="#0938f7">A lot of things around us are being wasted everyday, like food, water and electricity. We have started to feel the pain, we are facing the declining water stocks, and power grid is serioulsy challenged by problems of excessive power consumption.</font></p><p><font color="#0938f7">a: what is the biggest waste in your eyes?</font></p><p><font color="#0938f7">b: what about the intangible things, like time?</font></p><p><font color="#0938f7">c: God gives every bird its food, but he doesn't throw it into its nest. ---What do you think? Do you agree?</font></p><p><font color="#000000">大家伙继续拍砖哦^_^&nbsp;&nbsp; 这里的继续, 来自与您的参与,谢谢!!(June 27,11:30am)</font></p><p><font color="#0938f7"></font></p><p>[em27]</p><p><font color="#0909f7">3: What makes you feel guilty?</font></p><p><font color="#0909f7">We are living in a world full of tempatation; it is hard sometimes not to give in to them. But after we throw ourselves into the fountain of allure, it is the guilt that accompanies us all day long. </font></p><p><font color="#0909f7">a: Have you done anything that makes guilty?</font></p><p><font color="#0909f7">b:&nbsp;Did you do anything to alleviate your sense of guilty?</font></p><p><font color="#0909f7">C: Credit cards, love it or hate it?</font></p><p><font color="#0909f7">d: How many&nbsp;credit cards do you have? Do you feel it difficult to quit using them?&nbsp;</font></p><p><font color="#0909f7">f: Any story happened to you and your credit cards,&nbsp;would you like to share with us...</font></p><p>乐意做的事, 就是开心.&nbsp;加油! (June 28, 16:56)&nbsp;</p><p>[em27]</p><p><font color="#0909f7">4: should the majority decide?</font></p><p><font color="#0909f7">a: do you think a vote make sense in all situaiton in which there is a argument?</font></p><p><font color="#0909f7">b: how to avoid embarrassments? by voting?</font></p><p><font color="#0909f7">c: are you bold enough to give out your personal opinions in a group discussion? or you may&nbsp;just wait and see how,?</font></p><p><font color="#0909f7">d: Have&nbsp;you voted before? is the result satisifed you?&nbsp;</font></p><p>To be continued, if i am available;)&nbsp; June 28 18:44.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p>Have a nice weekend to all the friends here. </p><p>[em27]</p><p>5:博客</p><p>a: Do you have your own blog?</p><p>b: Do you write it very often?</p><p>c: why do you write the blog? What is this for?</p><p>d: Do you want to show it in public? Or you just want to keep it by yourself?</p><p>e: Do you think blog is a good thing in nowadays?</p><p>[em27](July 07, 08:08am)</p><p><font color="#0000ff">6:&nbsp; something</font><font color="#0000ff"> about serious?</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">a: Do you think you are a serious person?</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">b: Are you afraid of making friend with a serious person?</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">c: Will&nbsp; you married a serious man/woman?</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">d:Do you think serious is a good trait or bad?</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">e:Do you think life is easy or hard? Or we should treat it seriously? </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">f: Do you think we need to be serious when we want to make a decision?</font>&nbsp;</p><p>[em27] (Jul 12,9:51)</p><p><font color="#ee11ee">7:Problems.</font></p><p><font color="#ee11ee">a:Are there any problems remained unsolved?</font></p><p><font color="#ee11ee">b:what are they? Are they big enough to make you feel tough?</font></p><p><font color="#ee11ee">c:Do you think the day we get all problems solved is the day we leave exactly?</font></p><p><font color="#ee11ee">d:Are you tired of fixing problems?</font></p><p><font color="#ee11ee">e:Do you know who you are? Who do you want to be?</font></p><p><font color="#ee11ee">f:Are you afraid of answering these&nbsp;questions?</font></p><p><font color="#ee11ee">g:What do you think there is few people who is unwilling to answer the questions so serioulsy?</font></p><p>[em27]&nbsp; (Sep 10 16:20)</p><p>Have a good day, anyway, if there is still&nbsp;noboby interested in further. &nbsp;</p><p>Cheers!</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-10 16:25:14编辑过]
发表于 23-6-2007 07:24:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 这里为大家的贡献贴. </p><p>大家想要聊的话题,我进行集中在这里. 有空的时候, 来坐坐. 无眠的夜晚,希望这里能够成为你喝茶说话的好去处. 在外的日子, 生活的感言总是有的. 说不出的惆怅是难免的. 不管是在海外, 还是在国内. 也许我们的想法有交集!! 如果有交集, 那就是有缘分成为朋友. 祝福大家都开心. 好人一定要开心!!</p><p>只要大家愿意, 我会不断给出话题! 生活在继续, 我们都在成长. 成长的岁月, 文字是我们记忆的最好空间. 但这个空间需要被分享. 网络赋予了我们这最好的平台. 因为, 有些东西, 我们无法和生活中的朋友说. </p><p>如上,&nbsp;个人观点. 嘿嘿!!&nbsp;</p><div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>娴淑贤惠</i>在2007-6-24 0:14:00的发言:</b><br/><p>我们来聊聊</p><p>在新我们"老人家"的生活?</p><p>我不知道大家怎么过日子</p><p>我的日子怎么就这么的无聊</p><div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>娴淑贤惠</i>在2007-6-24 0:22:00的发言:</b><br/><p>"我想结婚,而且有条件的话最好尽快"---阿木说的</p><p>是不是很多人都这样想,可是却找不到适合的伴?</p><p></p></div></div>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-26 18:00:34编辑过]
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发表于 23-6-2007 07:27:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
wondering who is going to be the first visitor?
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发表于 23-6-2007 08:11:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 23-6-2007 12:29:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<p>楼主是哪位啊 ?</p><p>[em01][em01]</p><p>我也算是有见地的人里面的一位啊 ?,呵呵,自个儿大问题还没解决呢</p><p>说明在这一方面做得还远远远远远不够,岂敢枉加狂语</p><p>楼上的搬个小板凳坐着听</p><p>那我就在地板上蹲着听,以示诚心。</p>[em10][em10]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-23 13:11:04编辑过]
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发表于 23-6-2007 12:57:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 23-6-2007 23:41:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 24-6-2007 00:14:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 24-6-2007 00:22:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 25-6-2007 11:15:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<p><font color="#1111ee">a: what makes a man? </font></p><p><font color="#1111ee">奋斗 - 成就男人</font></p><p><font color="#1111ee">b: what makes a woman?</font></p><p><font color="#1111ee">女人是水做的。</font></p><p><font color="#1111ee">c: how to have a happy marriage?</font></p><p><font color="#1111ee">爱情 + 责任</font></p><p><font color="#1111ee">d:do you want to be married?</font></p><p><font color="#1111ee">Yes, 结了婚人生才会完整。</font></p>
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