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发表于 20-7-2007 11:29:00|来自:上海闵行区 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
向海外人士推荐一个子女在沪入学的好参谋。 我从法国回国投资,想把孩子也送回国内读书。在杂志上看到“STUDY IN SHANGHAI”求学上海(的介绍,就尝试去谈了一下。给我印象不错,最终委托他们找到了现在就读的学校。据说这是上海首个,也是唯一一个针对外籍人士提供教育咨询与服务的专业机构,专为6-18岁港、澳、台、侨及外籍适龄青少年,提供在上海学习的一系列量身定制的服务,包括从入学择校、课程家教、寒暑期活动等。他们与许多上海著名的学校都有合作,信息比较全面和公正。建议有同样需要的朋友去看一看:021-。 Recommend a good consultant for the overseas students studying in Shanghai. I’ve been in shanghai for my business from France, my son must go to study in shanghai for staying with me. It’s lucky that I’ve gotten the information of “STUDY IN SHANGHAI” from a magazine I forgot it’s name and arranged a good school for my son. Now he loves his school very much. It’s said that “Study in Shanghai” is the first and the only counseling platform on international students’ education, aims to offer a series of custom-made and in-process education counseling for those children at school age from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and other countries and regions who are planning to study in Shanghai. In the SIS Alliance of Famous Schools, there are a number of the best international schools, local middle schools’ international divisions and local middle schools which have performed best through their unique instructional features.I suggest you could have a try for it if your children go to study in shanghai like mine.Tel:021-. 上外附中发贴内容位于浦西的上海外国语大学附属外国语学校是在周恩来总理关怀下建立的中国最早的外国语专门学校,是上海非常著名的重点中学国际部依托学校强大的语言教学优势,鼓励学生选修英、日、法、德等各语言课程,培养能学习和贯通各国经济文化领域的国际型人才,并且每年提供一定名额经过考试进入国内部随班就读学校每年都有一批学生进入哈佛、耶鲁、麻省、剑桥、东京、早稻田等国际知名、一流大学深造,受到海内外的广泛好评。每年暑假的“汉语夏令营”活动更为孩子提供了一个学习汉语了解中国文化的独特机会。招生咨询:+86-21- Shanghai Foreign Language School affiliated to Shanghai International Studies University, is the first and famous foreign language school in China, founded with the supporting of the former Premier Zhou En-lai。The International Division, relied on the school's advantage of language instruction, encourages learners to choose various language courses such as English, Japanese, French, German and so on, which will be great helpful for the students to become international talents on the fields of economy and culture. There are numbered students can study with Chinese students in the class through the testing. There are a number of graduates entering famous and first-class international universities each year, such as Harvard University, Yale University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge University, Tokyo University, Waseda University and so on. Mandarin summer camp held by school in the summer vacation every year provides an unique chance for overseas students to learn Chinese language and culture. Registration Counseling Telephone Number: +86-21- 华东师大二附中发贴内容华东师范大学第二附属中学创建于1958年,是教育部直属重点中学,上海市重点中学。校园位于张江高科技园区,交通便利,占地面积达150亩,基本设施达到一流水平。学校现有学生1400多人。国际部所有课程均采用“走班制”的小班化授课型式,每个学生都可以根据自己的学习情况自主选择合适的课程和班级进行学习。除了必修课程外,另有人文、实验科学和艺术类三大选修课程供学生业余兴趣选择。英文课程采用牛津教材授课,以培养学生的英语思维能力,拓宽学生的视野。中文教学要求每位合格的毕业生都获得汉语水平考试(HSK)等级6级以上证书。从二附中国际部毕业的高三学生全部通大学要求的HSK考试。学校考核合格后可以获得上海市颁发的高中毕业证书,并进入世界知名学府继续深造。国际部还考虑部分学生迫切希望融入上海的要求,安排插入本地学生4人宿舍的选择,不仅能体验本部优秀学生的生活方式,且可以与中国学生多交流, 迅速提高汉语语言能力。 招生咨询:+86-21-50803740 50801890*2039 / 13817597431 No. 2 Affiliated High School of East China Normal University, found in 1958, is a key middle school under the direct auspices of the Ministry of Education, P.R.C., it is also a key middle school under the direct auspices of Shanghai Municipal Education Committee. The school locates in the Zhangjiang Hi-tech Zone with convenient traffic, and covers an area of 150 Mu with first-class basic establishment. No. 2 Affiliated High School of East China Normal University is a boarding school and at present, boasts total students of more than 1400 . All courses of the International Division are taught through the form of small class with a mobilized system, which will allow students choose suitable courses and classes by themselves upon their own learning performance. Besides of the required curricula, the students also can choose three kinds of optional curricula upon their own interest, which are humanities, experimental sciences and arts. English curricula, adopted Oxford textbooks, aims to cultivate students’ thinking competency in English and enlarge their sights. Chinese curricula require each qualified graduate gaining the Certificate of Band Six or above of HSK. Each qualified student will get the Certificate of High School Education issued by Shanghai Municipal Education Committee, and enter famous universities all over the world for higher education. Considering that some students want urgently to melt into Shanghai, the International Division will offer an alternative in dormitory choosing with 4-student room, which will include local students. Oversea students can not only experience the living style of local excellent students, but also have more opportunities to communicate with Chinese students, which will make them rapid progress on Chinese language level. Registration Counseling Telephone Number: +86-21-50803740 / 13817597431 [em08]


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