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发表于 12-8-2007 20:36:00|来自:浙江台州 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
《水浒》大型彩石雕连屏作者周照正,男,1950年出生于浙江仙居,从事工艺雕刻30余年,被列入首届“中国国家轻工工艺美术大师”之一,花费了巨额投资,其独创了在木制平面上镶嵌并雕刻珍珠,玛瑙,翡翠等纯天然彩石的大型彩石雕连屏,气势恢弘,独具匠心,具有高度的艺术欣赏价值,称得上是当代的奇珍异宝。《水浒》大型彩石雕连屏的艺术背景选自不朽的中国四大古典文学名著之一——〈〈水浒传〉〉,反映了中国北宋年间108位梁山好汉劫富济贫,除暴安良,反贪官,反压迫的英雄事迹。整幅连屏由72幅画面组成,每幅画面规格:60*220公分,总长45米,内容由13组故事情节构成,具有高度的历史研究价值。周照正的作品远销国外,享有盛誉,〈〈水浒〉〉连屏在中国独一无二,制作绝版,作者周照正已因病逝世,现此连屏权属已归其弟周先生私家珍藏,现因家庭客观原因,欲将其出售。联系电话:周先生13606765713。 Large-scale series of color stone sculpture Zhou Zhaozheng, male, created the large-scale series of color stone sculpture Shui Hu(means Water Margin), who was born in Xianju, Zhejiang province. He was engaged in sculpture of arts and crafts for about 30 years, and had been listed one of the national masters for arts and crafts in light industries. He cost lots of money and initiated inlaying natural color stones such as pearls, agates and jades on the wooden. Such sculptures were created with marvelous techniques and have owned high value for appreciation. The large-scale series of color stone sculpture Shui Hu(known as Water Margin) was created on the base of Shuihu Zhuan(known as Outlaws in the Marsh),one of the Chinese Four Famous Works. It shows 108 heroes’ helping the poor, championing the people, opposing corruption and oppression and so on during Bei Song Dynasty. The whole series consist of 72 screens, each 60*220cm, and total length 45 meters. It was finished according to 13 stories with high value for historic research. Zhou’s works were also sold to abroad for its popularity. Shui Hu is the only one that remains and the last before his death. Now it belongs to his brother Mr Zhou. And now it is officially going to be sold for some objective reasons.If you want to buy ,please call me .My phone number is 13968536982 [em20][em20]


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