<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>perpetual88</i>在2007-10-15 21:45:00的发言:</b><br/><p>你们大概很久没回过了,现在中国的大城市,高职位的薪水都比新加坡高,很多新加坡人还喜欢去中国。</p><p>在上海15000不算什么,一般跨国企业的大公司部门经理职位都接近30000一个月。</p><p>一些30岁左右不管上海女性还是男性基本都到达20000月薪。只是上海的个人作的税比新加坡高很多,</p><p>税后比较吃亏。新加坡人喜欢被派去上海,个人所得税由公司交,</p><p>房屋津贴1500美金每月在上海可以租到最高档的公寓。</p><p>在新加坡只能租个hdb3+1。</p></div><p>I think your info is kinda incorrect and misleading.</p><p>I have relatives and friends working in shanghai. we shared something info, Due to it is highly confidential, I cannot tell what's their positions/salary here, in gerneral, they are all above the average and most of them have manager position in MNC, but their salary is definitely lower that what you stated.</p><p>Working in SG absolutely get higher payment than woking in Shangai with same position.</p><p>The point are you prepared for the higher position in China? What's your competitive advantage? </p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-19 18:03:14编辑过] |