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发表于 25-10-2007 15:33:00|来自:四川成都 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
四川省探险旅游公司 Sichuan Adventure Traver Club’s special router of SIGUNIANG MOUNTAIN 四姑娘山大峰 SIGUNIANG Peak 四姑娘山位于四川省阿坝州小金县与汶川县交界处,距成都市235千米,由四座连绵不断的山峰组成,它们从北到南,在3.5千米范围内一字排开,从幺姑娘、三姑娘、二姑娘到大姑娘,其高度分别为6250米,5664米、5454米,5355米,其中幺姑娘山峰是四川省第二高峰。这四座山峰长年冰雪覆盖,如同姿容俏丽的四位少女亭亭玉立于长坪沟和海子沟两道银河上。四姑娘山中以幺妹身材最为苗条,姿容最为俊秀,与“蜀山之王”贡嘎山(7556米)遥遥相对,素有“蜀山之后”、“东方阿尔卑斯山”之称。这里终年积雪,冰清玉洁,根连地厚,峰插天高,白云浮玉,光摇烟霞。山麓下有5000多平方米的草坪,草坪上百花点点,是登山 探险 旅游的天堂 SIGUNIANG MOUNTAIN sits at the junction of Wenchuan County and Aba County in Sichuan Province, 235 km away from Chengdu, composed of four continuous peaks, which from north to south, in a bank within 3.5 km from the XIAOGUNIANG MOUNTAIN, SANGUNIANG MOUNTAIN, ERGUNIANG MOUNTAIN, YIGUNIANG MOUNTAIN, their height, respectively 6250 m, 5664 m, 5454 m, 5355 m, of which 11 girls Sichuan is the second mountain peak.All the year ,the four peaks are covered with snow, as the four girls looks pretty lovely in Changping channel and haizi channel. XIAOGUNIANG MOUNTAIN which is face to face with Gongga Mountain (7556 m height),is the most jimpness,known as “the queen of shushan”and “Oriental Alps”.Here nival, pure all the time .Under the hill there are more than 5,000 square meters of turf, lawn of the little flowers, which is a paradise for mountain adventure tourism. 摄影天堂 Photograph heaven Sight namePhoto timeBest place Siguniang mountainSunrise:summer 5:00; winter6:30 Sunset:16:00maobiliang,haizichannel,changping fossa Balang mountain clouda.m.:around 10:00 p.m.:around 3:00Balang mountain yakou Siguniang mountain Fall sight October- Novemberchangping fossa muluozi Siguniang mountain spring sightMay-JuneWozhuangfeng renshengguoping Farmer house Sunny morning and night changping fossa camphor stockaded village,dawei Lama temple ,woritusi officer stockaded village 四姑娘山是摄影者的天堂.在20世纪80年代就有专业的摄影家在此摄影,从某种角度上说,四姑娘山是由摄影爱好者首先发现的。目前每年到四姑娘山摄影的爱好者络绎不绝.更有为四姑娘山痴狂者扎根在此,力图将四姑娘山的每一个美丽瞬间留在照片上。 SIGUNIANG MOUNTAIN is the photographer's paradise. In the 1980s there were professional photographers photoing here, from a certain angle, SIGUNIANG MOUNTAIN was first discovered by amateur photographers. Current annual photography lovers come to SIGUNIANG MOUNTAIN. For those crazier rooted in SIGUNIANG MOUNTAIN, trying to make SIGUNIANG MOUNTAIN’s every moment stay in beautiful pictures. 由日隆镇海子沟口至大峰峰顶,全程大约为18公里山路,海拔由3200米上升到5355米,上升绝对高度1800米左右,沿途水源补给充足,无手机讯号(峰顶有讯号),整条路线没有险要地段,建营的选择也有多个,基本上以1 号营地老牛园子或是大海子为扎营地。 From rilong town haizi channel to dafeng peak , the whole mountain is about 18 kilometers, from 3,200 meters above sea level rose to 5,355 meters, high rise absolute reach 1,800 meters ,with adequate supplies along, no phone signal (exceptin peak), no danger along the whole route, and many choice of building camps, basically on the 1st camps buffalo garden or the dahaizi for the camp. 老牛园子海拔3896M buffalo garden altitude3896meter
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-25 15:43:00编辑过]




发表于 25-10-2007 15:44:00|来自:四川成都 | 显示全部楼层
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