<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>company</i>在2007-11-21 14:39:00的发言:</b><br/>我和公司是没有合约的。哪公司是家庭式的,只请了3个人帮忙。我下个月初就要去令一个公司上班,急啊!</div><p></p><dl><p></p><a name="888373176-000262"></a><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b><b>那就照《雇佣法令》来办,以该法令第10条第3节看,劳资双方需给对方以下最低期限的书面通知。老猫太懒,没空逐字翻译,你又没说为公司工作的时段,就把英文条文列在下面:</b> <dl><p></p>(a) one day’s notice if he has been so employed for less than 26 weeks;</dl><dl><p></p>(b) one week’s notice if he has been so employed for 26 weeks or more but less than 2 years;</dl><dl><p></p>(c) 2 week’s notice if he has been so employed for 2 years or more but less than 5 years; and</dl><dl><p></p>(d) 4 weeks’ notice if he has been so employed for 5 years or more.</dl><dl></dl><dl></dl><p></p><p></p><a name="888373176-000292"></a><strong>如果没给对方足够通知时限,按照《雇佣法令》第11条,那就按天数计的月薪额赔偿损失给对方(</strong> 老猫怕译错,把英文条文列在这里:by paying to the other party <strong>a sum equal to the amount of salary at the gross rate of pay which would have accrued to the employee during the period of the notice</strong> and in the case of a monthly-rated employee where the period of the notice is less than a month, the amount payable for any one day shall be the gross rate of pay for one day’s work. <strong>)。</strong></dl>