<p>在经过朋友们的指点,我已经在网上先申请EPCE,进展如下。(更新中)</p><div style="DIRECTION: ltr;">Dear ……,<br/><br/>We have received your Employment Pass Eligibility Certificate (EPEC) application on 06/01/2008. Your reference number is EPEC-2008-12345. Processing will take 7 working days from the date we receive your application.<br/><br/>Thank You.<br/><br/>This is a computer generated document. Please do not reply.<br/></div><div style="DIRECTION: ltr;">下面是申请后收到的第一封邮件:</div><div style="DIRECTION: ltr;"><div style="DIRECTION: ltr;">Dear ……,<br/><br/>We have reviewed your application on 06/01/2008 for an Employment Pass Eligibility Certificate (EPEC). Please provide a copy of your Passport Size Photo, Passport Particulars Page, Qualification Attachments before we can proceed with the processing of your EPEC. Please follow the steps below to upload the document.<br/><br/>Step 1. Access EPEC system from Ministry of Manpower website<br/>Step 2. Log in to EPEC system using both your EPEC reference number and passport number.<br/>Step 3. Upload the requested supporting documents.<br/>Step 4. Click on "Upload" button.<br/><br/>If we do not receive the document within 7 calendar days from the date of this email, your EPEC application will be withdrawn.<br/><br/>Thank You.<br/><br/>This is a computer generated document. Please do not reply.<br/></div><div style="DIRECTION: ltr;">按照要求,我在网上提交了,</div><div style="DIRECTION: ltr;"></div><div style="DIRECTION: ltr;">护照彩色照片,</div><div style="DIRECTION: ltr;">护照扫描件,</div><div style="DIRECTION: ltr;">本科毕业证书、</div><div style="DIRECTION: ltr;">学位证书、</div><div style="DIRECTION: ltr;">职业资格证书</div><div style="DIRECTION: ltr;"></div><div style="DIRECTION: ltr;">___________________________________________________________________</div><div style="DIRECTION: ltr;"></div><div style="DIRECTION: ltr;"><br/><br/>Thank you for your application of the Employment Pass Eligibility Certificate (EPEC) on 06/01/2008.<br/><br/>Your application has been rejected as you have not submitted the attachments within the stipulated timeline.<br/><br/>If you are still interested to apply for an EPEC, you may wish to re-submit your application. The same processing timeline will still apply.<br/><br/>This is a computer generated document. Please do not reply.<br/></div><div style="DIRECTION: ltr;"></div></div>
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-16 19:26:22编辑过] |